Dead Island 2 Missing: Greg Quest Guide

In Dead Island 2, Missing Greg is a quest from the Lost and Found category which involves you tracking a...

In Dead Island 2, Missing Greg is a quest from the Lost and Found category which involves you tracking a character named Greg. He was rescued when the zombies began but decided to escape and look for his valuables on Ocean Avenue. In doing so, he became missing and now it is our job to find him.

Here is what you need to do find Greg and learn of his fate in Dead Island 2.  

How to start the Dead Island 2 Missing Greg quest  

As with most of the missing person quests, Missing Greg Quest will also appear on the notice board in Serling Hotel, Ocean Avenue.  

The poster for Greg’s Quest will not appear until later in the game when you have almost completed the Ocean Avenue Area. More specifically, the poster will appear when you begin the Search For Truth quest. 

Once the prerequisite is taken care of, you can pay a visit to the notice board located in the Serling Hotel. Then, interacting with the poster will begin the Missing Greg Quest as well as add the first waypoint of the quest. 

Getting to the Garage 

The whole Missing Greg quest will take place in Ocean Avenue where you already will be. Tracking the first waypoint will lead you to a garage on Silicon Street.  

To get there, you need to navigate through the Louisville hotel to get out and head Northeast. Once there, you need to enter the garage by kicking the garage door. Then you need to access the inner room by destroying two stacked boxes on the East wall. 

Inside the room, there will be a broken elevator that you need to use to jump down the shaft. Down there, enter the door on the East wall while following the sound of Greg singing to locate him. 

After entering the said room, you will locate Greg, but he will be trapped behind the shutter. Interact with Greg and wait for 2 minutes until he finishes talking. 

Unlock the Shutter 

As soon as Greg finishes talking, your next objective is to open the shutter to rescue him in Dead Island 2. For that, you need to climb to the upper area by using the pellets on the east wall. Here, you need to locate a white Chevy pickup truck with its lights turned on. 

On the back of the pickup truck, you will find the Circuit Breaker which will power the shutter. Pick up the breaker and take that to the room located further North. This room has an electrical panel that you need to use to plug in the Circuit Breaker. 

Free Greg 

Plugging the Circuit Breaker will open the shutter which in turn will free up the Greg. Make your way back to the shutter by taking the same path you came from. 

As you are doing so, the noise will alert the nearby zombies to your presence. To navigate forward, you need to defeat all the zombies in your way. Greg will now be able to use the switch inside to open the shutter as you reach there. Greg will try to run away when that happens, and you need to chase him.  

Unfortunately, zombies will attack him and ultimately kill him. You won’t be able to do anything other than watch him die. However, you can rummage through his remains to get 2000XP and a Metal Bat as a reward for your efforts.

Bilal Tariq is a guides writer at He started his video games journey with Need For Speed and GTA Vice City on his parents PC. He is obsessed with F1 Games and Forza Horizon ...