How To Get Grass In Cult Of The Lamb

Grass is one of the most important resources in Cult of the Lamb. You need to look for this vital...

Grass is one of the most important resources in Cult of the Lamb. You need to look for this vital item as soon as you start playing the game because of its wide variety of uses that includes preparing food for your followers, performing rituals, constructing buildings, etc.

Furthermore, the importance of Grass depends upon the doctrine you select for your cult as well. Grass Eater Doctrine is an appropriate example that enables the cult to prepare food and dishes purely based on Grass. So, for a cult of this doctrine, Grass becomes the most vital resource.

Go through the following guide which provides a detailed description of places and methods to get this valuable resource in Cult of the Lamb.

Where To Find Grass In Cult Of The Lamb

The most common and easiest way to obtain grass in huge amounts is to go on Crusades where you will be able to find areas of tall grass in almost every room of a dungeon. Darkwood is one of the best options to obtain plentiful Grass.

After all the enemies are defeated in a room of the dungeon, swing and attack all patches of Grass that you can find. 1 piece of Grass from each patch is guaranteed and more can also be obtained depending on your luck.

Keep collecting it once you are done with each patch in the room and after repeating this procedure for every room in the dungeon, you are sure to have a huge stock of it after just one Crusade.

Other than these areas of Grass, look around the room for other items as well such as Large Mushrooms, etc. That will enable you to have extra resources too.

Furthermore, during a crusade, you can also boost your gains by selecting the Nature’s Boon Tarot Card only when offered. It cannot be selected at any point in the game. This will enable you to obtain an increased supply of Grass than you originally obtained.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...