Crysis 3 Cell Intel is littered throughout its seven missions. The collectibles include 41 data pads, six propaganda posters and 20 black boxes for 67 collectibles. This is a mission-by-mission guide to help you make sure you do not miss a single collectible in your play-through.
Black Box #1

Location: Once you gain control, follow Psycho. While walking across the ramp to exit the ship you will notice some boxes to the left. Among those boxes is a dead body that carries the first collectible of the game, a Black Box.
Data Pad #1

Location: After you first start engaging enemies you will have to clear the path and open the door for Psycho. Near the door is the control room where you will find the next collectible. Go inside and find your first Data Pad on top of the control panel.
Data Pad #2

Location: In the corridor where Psycho gives you the bow, you will also find another collectible. It is near the stairs on top of some machinery at the far end.
Data Pad #3

Location: Once you get the bow, you start engaging enemies. You will eventually come to a room where Psycho is waiting for you to proceed further. Before you do, grab the Data Pad lying below the computer consoles to the right.
Data Pad #4

Location: Once you’re outside again, you’ll eventually come across a door you must hack to proceed. You will find another Data Pad in a room to the left beyond this door.
Data Pad #5

Location: Next, follow Psycho down a flight of stairs and eventually to a computer which he starts working on. The Data Pad is on top of the computer.
Data Pad #6

Location: A bit further on, you will come to a room with some giant structures that resemble reactors. Go to the corridor to the right of the room and follow the path until you reach another room where there will be an ammo crate. Near the ammo, you will also find the next Data Pad.
Data Pad #7

Location: Next, you will make your way to a room to the east of the map, where you will find two chairs and a computer terminal in between them. You will find the last Data Pad of this mission on the computer terminal.
Black Box #2

Location: Towards the end of the mission, you will hack another door and regroup with Psycho before the mission ends. There will also be a dead body in the room, which, like the first one, carries another Black Box.
Propaganda Poster #1

Location: At the start of the mission, you will come to a minefield. When you reach this point, take a left. When the building to your right is coming to an end, be extra vigilant for a Propaganda Poster on the wall.
Data Pad #8

Location: After destroying the tower, don’t follow the checkpoint but instead walk towards the dead end where you will find some rocks to climb. On the top, you will find a dead body and a box. On top of the box, you will find a Data Pad.
Data Pad #9

Location: In the side mission where you have to find the source of the Beacon, right before you regroup with Echo, there is another checkpoint to the left where you will find a pyramid container. Next to the container is another Data Pad.
Black Box #3

Location: Once you reach the subway, you and Psycho will take different routes. Eventually, you will regroup and come across an area with a lot of dead soldiers. The soldier nearest to the bolder by the red light will have the first Black Box of this mission.
Black Box #4

Location: Once you reach the train station, drop down to the ground level. From where you are looking, turn around and go behind the shallow concrete structure. You will find a dead soldier with another Black Box next to a crate.
Data Pad #10

Location: Next, you must go along the rail with two defense turrets. Between them is another tunnel which leads to a hidden room. Here, you will find the final collectible of the mission, a Data Pad.
Data Pad #11

Location: On the dam site, there are two generator rooms side by side. Go to the one on the left while facing the objective on the map. Once you hack the two doors that stand in your way, you should find the Data Pad at the entrance of the generator room, sitting on a crate next to a JAW.
Propaganda Poster #2

Location: Once the cut scene where you destroy the dam ends, you will get a marker leading you to the secondary objective. Along the way, around 200 m from the waypoint, you will find a propaganda poster on the wall of the building to your left.
Black Box #5

Location: After getting the propaganda poster you’ll proceed further into a water body. Continue on and eventually, you will notice the channel widens a bit. Keep an eye out for two drowned bodies that will show up to your left. One of them carries the Black Box.
Black Box #6

Location: After making contact with headquarters, you will be at the triangular structure on the map. Take the tunnel to the right. You should notice a dead body that carries another Black Box, towards your right.
Black Box #7

Location: When entering the CELL System-X Harvesting Facility use the pipe to the left of the main gate. Inside you will find a dead soldier carrying yet another Black Box Cell Intel in Crysis 3.
Data Pad #12

Location: Continuing from the last collectible, you should eventually come to an elevator that takes you up to the facility’s heart. Once inside, use the catwalk to the left and you will spot a Data Pad.
Data Pad #13

Location: Proceed further down the catwalk where you found the last data pad. You should find some computer terminals further down and on one of them, you will also find the Data Pad.
Data Pad #14

Location: Once you take the elevator to go up to the top of the facility, you should see a computer terminal to the left. You will find the last Data Pad of this mission on the computer terminal.
Data Pad #15

Location: After you receive the secondary mission to find Psycho’s torturer, continue toward the left side of the area where you will find a destroyed helicopter. You will find a Data Pad inside the wreckage of the helicopter.
Data Pad #16

Location: The second data pad is in the cockpit of the same helicopter.
Data Pad #17

Location: Yet again, a third Data Pad can be found next to the helicopter, on top of a red crate.
Data Pad #18, #19 and #20

Location: Climb up the wall near the helicopter and you will find two tables on the top. The tables have 3 Data Pad collectibles and another data pad which is required for the secondary objective.
Propaganda Poster #3

Location: Continue from the last set of collectibles and fight your way through the enemy soldiers. Eventually, you will come to an Asian architecture gate, and from there, you have to leap to the first floor of the building. You will find a Propaganda Poster here.
Data Pad #21

Location: Make your way to the top of the building mentioned in the last collectible and enter the room to the left near the zip line as you fight your way through enemies. You will find a Data Pad here on the table.
Black Box #8

Location: A cut scene will trigger once you use the zip line. Once the cut scene ends, grab the Black Box from the dead soldier on your left.
Data Pad #22

Location: After you receive the objective of finding the skinning lab, turn to face the waypoint on the map. On the right, from where you are facing, you will find a fallen billboard that provides a way to enter the building. Once inside, you will find a Data Pad on a shelf.
Black Box #9

Location: Leave the building mentioned in the last collectible and take a left from the corner. Head straight to the space between two destroyed buildings and you will find the dead body of a soldier that carries a Black Box.
Data Pad #23

Location: Head into the building to the left from where you found the last Black Box. Inside, you will find an ammo crate which is right next to a Data Pad.
Black Box #10

Location: After you lower the gate and head on inside to meet up with Psycho, he will be waiting for you in an elevator. Before you enter the elevator, however, grab the Black Box from the body nearby.
Black Box #11

Location: Go further into the facility and you will eventually come across a Ceph skeleton veiled by curtains. Below the monstrous skeleton are two dead doctors. One of them carries a Black Box.
Data Pad #24

Location: Follow Psycho into the next room, where you will find a lot of tanks. You will also see another curtain, and behind the curtain, on top of a cabinet, you will find a Data Pad.
Data Pad #25

Location: Further on in the facility, you will have to open the door to meet up with Psycho, but before you do, go through the Nano-fiber Research room. On one of the lab tables inside, you will find the last Data Pad.
Data Pad #26

Location: In the mission, you must progress by moving between buildings using the ducts that connect them. Once you reach the second building, you will find some grenades, and next to the grenades, you will find the Data Pad.
Black Box #12

Location: After you get to the Mindcarrier and defeat the Devastator, continue on the path while keeping an eye out to the right side. You will see an alley there, go through it. In between the two buildings you will eventually come to a dead soldier carrying a Black Box.
Data Pad #27

Location: Further on in the level, you will find a place where the CELL and Ceph are fighting each other. Go to the first floor of the building to the left. You will find the Data Pad on top of some ammo crates.
Propaganda Poster #4

Location: In the same room as the previous CELL Intel in Crysis 3, go around the wall where it connects to a smaller room. In the room, you will find the Propaganda Poster.
Data Pad #28

Location: You will eventually reach a convoy of CELL tanks. Check the ammo crates nearby to find the data pad.
Black Box #13

Location: You will get a cut scene once you descend the stairs. Once the cut scene ends, go towards the vehicle and check the dead body lying nearby. You will find the Black Box.
Data Pad #29

Location: Once you reach the gate, which opens by activating a panel, check the nearby crates, and you will find the Data Pad on one of them
Black Box #14

Location: In the same area as the one mentioned in the last CELL Intel in Crysis 3, there is a container with a dead soldier with his back to it. The soldier is carrying the Black Box.
Data Pad #30

Location: Go to the east side when infiltrating the CELL Archangel Command Centre. There are some containers on a higher level. Inside the blackened one, there are some crates. On top of the crates is the Data Pad.
Propaganda Poster #5

Location: You will get the objective of shutting down the Ceph air defenses. After you do so, check the sides of the building because on one of the walls is a propaganda poster that will be the Cell Intel here in Crysis 3.
Data Pad #31

Location: Go to the northern end of the map. Here you will a dismembered head of the Statue of Liberty. Inside, you will find a Data Pad.
Data Pad #32

Location: After you finish providing support to the Rebel Mortar Unit. Head back from the beach and go up the destroyed structure to find the next Data Pad next to a few ammo crates.
Black Box #15

Location: In the north end of the map, near Ceph Battery Defense Bravo, you’ll find the next Black Box on a soldier next to a table.
Data Pad #33

Location: After destroying all the anti-air guns, go to the secondary objective where you have to clear a minefield. After clearing the minefield, search around the area for a crashed aircraft. Inside is another Cell Intel Data Pad in Crysis 3.
Data Pad #34

Location. After destroying the first anti-air gun, head on to Charlie’s objective. Nearby a little way away from the main objective, you will find a crashed helicopter which has a data pad inside.
Black Box #16

Location. In the area with the last anti-aircraft gun, you will have to defeat some Ceph forces. After doing so, continue to the waypoint. Here, you will find a dead soldier nearby carrying the black box.
Data Pad #35

Location: After Psycho is forced to land the aircraft, get out and go to the far-left corner of the building. Here you will find the last Data Pad.
Black Box #17

Location: Once the mission starts and you gain control, walk a bit further to find a dead soldier crushed under some debris. He will have the Black Box.
Propaganda Poster #6

Location: Head just a few steps forward and look for the propaganda poster lying on the ground next to the fire.
Data Pad #37

Location: A few steps further, you will notice something sticking out on the top. Turn around, and you will find a Data Pad next to a crate.
Black Box #18

Location: Go a bit further on. Jump over the fridge and inside the bus in front of you, you will find a dead soldier. The soldier is carrying the Black Box.
Data Pad #38

Location: A bit further on, there will be some land sliding, and your display will get weird. You will come across a fork here; both paths lead to the same area, and somewhere around where they meet up, you will find another Data Pad.
Data Pad #39

Location: Once you are out of the tunnel, make your way across the open area, and you will come across a stash of crates. In the last one on the left, you will find yet another Data Pad.
Data Pad #40

Location: You will be required to finish off some Ceph enemies and you can use a sniper rifle to do so. Once you finish them off, head deeper into the cave, and climb up the rocks until you reach the checkpoint. Drop down from here and check the crate next to the rock. It will have a Cell Intel Data Pad in Crysis 3.
Data Pad #41

Location: Further on there will be a fork in the path, you can go from the left or right, it doesn’t matter, they both lead to the same area. Drop down here and check the crates, you will find a Data Pad in one of them.