If you have already completed Crysis 2, then you should give its collectibles a shot. These Crysis 2 Dog Tags, Cameras, and Emails are scattered throughout the single-player campaign.
Some of them are easy, while others may require you to replay the specific level again since you can miss these due to the intense gameplay and the game’s story. For some collectibles, you can return for others, you might need a restart. While there is no gameplay benefit or reward for these collectibles, you will need all of these if you want to 100% your game.
Level 1 – In the Deep End Collectibles
There is no collectible to find in this level.
Level 2 – Second Chance Collectibles

Dog Tag
After you have picked up the handgun, you will find a Dog tag beside Prophet’s dead body.
There is a table with handgun in the courtyard of “Castle Clinton”. You can find it on the table while having the “Stealth Mode” Tutorial.
Near that big donut, move towards the blockade of Evac center.
Move past Evac Center’s security door. Find a shop named ‘The DrugStore’ at the corner of the street. The souvenir will be present on the counter.
Level 3 – Sudden Impact Collectibles

Dog Tag
While you approach the exit point of of the sewer pathway (where aliens and cell soldiers are confronting one another) there are two doors. One is for exit, there is a Dog tag on the sofa through the other door.
Car Key
At the end of the first parking area, move up the stairs and you will find a key near the dead body.
Once you have gathered the alien tissue sample, move towards the sewers to find this camera.
Head to the parking garage by going into the crater present at the crash site. Find a booth named ‘24 hr. Parking’. The souvenir is in the booth, on the file cabinets; but you will have to Power Kick the door to get it.
Level 4 – Road Rage Collectibles

Car Key
This one is a bit tricky. After you have hijacked a vehicle to breach through the wall, walk forward and look for the yellow blocked wall to your left. You will be able to locate this key in one of the ammo containers.
At the entrance of the tunnel, you can find a camera near the armored vehicle.
At the very start of the level, once you reach the very top of the stairs, travel straight, towards the tiny room, which has a graffiti saying ‘God Help Us’, above the stairs. This room also has an infected NPC in it.
Level 5 – Lab Rat Collectibles

Dog Tag
After sitting in the nanosuit chair, scan the bookshelves near the brown chair for a Dog tag. If you leave the room on the arrival of Cell soldiers, you will have to replay the mission to get it.
You can gather a PDA from a table before you enter the elevator inside the firs warehouse. The table can be found in the first floor office.
Car Key
At the start of the level, there is a path leading to a dead end to your left. Head towards it and you will find this key near a corpse.
To get this souvenir, go through the hole which was made by the crashed helicopter. The souvenir is on a wooden crate, on the second floor.
Level 6 – Gate Keepers Collectibles

Car Key
After you crash from the broken scaffold, move left (before you enemies to enter the pharmacy). You can find this item on the metal steps near the infected NPC.
After you have completed both the distractions, you can pick this item inside the unlocked orange trailer.
After you arrive at the church to meet Gould, you need to keep moving along the street (keeping the church to your right) to get to this camera.
This souvenir can be found near the end of the level. Go inside the main entrance of the Church, the souvenir will be present on the carboard boxes to your right.
Level 7 – Dead Man Walking Collectibles

Dog Tag
Just after exiting the elevator to meet Gould, you will find the tag across the velvet ropes.
It’s in the same office where you activated the elevator. Make sure you get it before riding the elevator.
Car Key
This Key can be troublesome to locate. From the initial Tower (from where you started) head south along the avenue. After you reach at the end of the Avenue, you can find this key near a teddy bear sitting beside a teddy bear.
Close to the end of the level, the souvenir can be found right before the elevator, on the counter in the Security Office. It glows red so it is hard to miss
Level 8 – Seat of Power Collectibles

Dog Tag
When Hergreaves contacts you, you will find a building behind a bench. You can find a dog tag on a table at one end of the building near the suitcases.
You will find this PDA on the reception table of the building next to the Evac center.
Car Key
You will find this key right next to a dead body near the elevated train station.
While you are going up a broken road, you will find this camera near one of the alien robot tentacles.
Head to the second floor of a building, located past the evac center. The room, right before the hallway containing the ammo bins contains the souvenir. It is present on the table adjacent to the radiator
Level 9 – Dark Heart Collectibles

You need to collect all the items before confronting spore tentacles and Ceph devastators.
Dog Tag
The Subway tunnel can lead you back too. Look for the door under the ledge which will lead you to the maintenance area. This Dog tag can be found in this area.
Dog Tag
After receiving the message from Hargreaves, you can find this second tag near the dead body with sniper.
This souvenir can be found in the Subway tunnels, near the exit, close to some ammo crates.
Level 10 – Semper Fi or Die Collectibles

After you have defeated the troublesome alien, you will be given a Humm-Vee to drive. There will be a weapon stash to the left of the vehicle. You can find the camera above the ramp. You will have to jump hard (max. armor) to trigger this camera.
Dog Tag
Before you enter the sewer tunnel, there will be a weapons stash nearby. You can find a tag near the body.
This souvenir can be found at the checkout counter of the store named ‘Super Saving, close to Tactical Point 2
Level 11 – Corporate Collapse Collectibles

Dog Tag
After the flooding sequence, turn back and search for a boat. While standing on this boat, look towards the sewer entrance and you will be able to see a waterfall. Dive in between the waterfall and pipes with nanovision activated. You can find this Dog tag near the car wreckage.
After leaving the parking area, when you enter the building, you can find a PDA in an office near the metal detector.
Car Key
At the very start of the level, you can find a key inside the nearby coach.
This souvenir can be found inside a crater, which is filled with water. To get access, you have to go through the head of the Statue of Liberty. Then, just swim left to find it.
Level 12 – Train Coach Collectibles

Look for a destroyed bus while heading to the library. You can find the camera nearby.
Car Key
After the combat in library courtyard, look for a room (known as decon tent). You can search for this key around the control system in the room.
This souvenir can be found on the corner of the reception desk, located inside the public library
Level 13 – Unsafe Heaven Collectibles

Dog Tag
After your meeting with Sergent Reiner, cross the door and you will come across two missile launchers. The Dog tag can be found on a cluster of boxes near the second missile launcher.
While you are on your way to find the detonators, the speed camera can be found next to a coffee shop. You will have to sprint across the camera to trigger it.
This souvenir can be found in the parking office – right before you prime the detonators. It is adjacent to a white fan, and it glows red
Level 14 – Terminus Collectibles

Dog Tag
While meeting with Colonel Barclay and Gould, you can find this tag in between the two marines using the computers.
To find this souvenir, follow the Colonel. He will lead you to the planning room, where the souvenir is present on the table
Level 15 – Power Out

Car Key
You can collect this item on a table near the office next to the Evac gate.
You can find a traffic camera just past the Evac center gate.
Dog Tag
Move forward and then right from the landing zone. You can find this tag on a table just beside the military truck.
This souvenir can be found past Times Square, near the EMAT checkpoint, in a small store named ‘Amim’s Sandwich Bar’. It is present on the counter
Level 16 – Eye of the Storm Collectibles

You can find a PDA on the table just after the entrance of green building.
There is another PDA on the second level of the room where you tried to shut down the power. You can find it inside a small office at this level. You will be able to collect this item once you have shut down the power.
After taking down Lockheart, turn around and you can find another PDA on the console.
Dog Tag
Head inside the storage room opened by Hargreaves for you. You can find a tag in between the ammunition stash.
This souvenir can be found before you break the EMP Trap. Head towards the corner of the substation area, inside the watchtower. It is present on the table, close the room’s corner.
Level 17 – Masks off Collectibles Collectibles

Dog Tag
Get to the second floor of the building at tactical point 2. You can find the item near the ammo stash.
While you are trying to escape from the prism facility, look on the floor of a room with red lights to find a PDA.
On the bridge, get to the upper level and after the missing persons panel, sprint to the exit while keeping to the left side to trigger the camera.
This souvenir can be found in the red room, containing the huge world map plastered on the wall. It is present on the table in the center of the room
Level 18 – Out of the Ashes Collectibles

Car Key
Don’t board the vehicle and look for the three yellow containers nearby (the are just across the leading vehicle). You can find this key near these barrels.
Dog Tag
After boarding off the vehicle, enter the building crawling with Ceph units. There is a damaged elevator just beside the working elevator. You can find this tag around it.
Another Dog tag can be found after calling the airstrike. Once on the rooftops, search for the tactical point 2. The Dog tag is on the roof of greenhouse beside this tactical point.
This souvenir can be found while trying to get the Ceph gunships a vantage point. Rather than going right out of the elevator, go towards the east and go through the broken rooms. The souvenir is present in a bedroom, on the floor, adjacent to the bed.
Level 19 – Walk in the Park Collectibles

Car Key
At the start of the level, look for a bus about to fall off the road. You can find this key inside the bus.
Dog Tag
Under the two EMAT tents, there is an underpass where you can find a teddy bear near a mattress. The item you are looking for is nearby this mattress.
Go past the amphitheater, then go up a hill. While going up, look to the east, towards the cliff’s edge and you will see a few cargo containers. One of these containers is opened a tiny bit. Inside this container, there is an explosive fuel drum. To enter the container, you must explode this drum. The souvenir is present is adjacent to the microwave gun.