Crusader Kings 3 Traits Guide

In this Crusader Kings 3 Traits Guide, we’ve listed down each and every single trait along with the specific effects they can have.

In this Crusader Kings 3 Traits Guide, we’ve listed down each and every single trait along with the specific effects they can have on your characters. We will tell you how different Traits in Crusader Kings 3 can help you flesh out your character into the world conquering behemoth of your dreams.

Crusader Kings 3 Traits

When it comes to Character Development, Crusader Kings 3 leaves no box unchecked.

You can find a number of Traits that affect your character’s performance throughout CK3.

Effects of Traits

Traits are like real life. You can control some of them, but you’ll find yourself inheriting many of them that may be unique to you. Circumstances play a huge role in giving your character different and unique traits.

Certain personality traits are unchangeable, and require specific pre-requisites for your player to have them.

Your character may also pick up various traits as he/she goes through life.

Certain traits of your character are best not exposed to others as they might become a weakness that other individuals might be able to exploit.


You have five skills, Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, and Learning. All of these have three focuses that you can choose to work on.

These will allow your character to specialize in a specific tree to unlock exclusive abilities and traits.

Earn lifestyle experience by playing as your character, the rate at which you earn said experience is determined by your personality traits, and education.

Personality Traits

Trait IDs Trait Character Effects Boldness AI Effects
brave Brave +2 Martial +3 Prowess +5 Vassal Opinion +10 Attraction Opinion +10 Same Trait Opinion -10 Opposite Trait Opinion +100% probability of capture or death in battle +200 +20 Energy +20 Sociability -20 Rationality
calm Calm +1 Diplomacy +1 Intrigue +10% Stress Loss +10% Scheme Discovery Chance +50% Dread Decay +10% Same Trait Opinion -10 Opposite Trait Opinion -20 +75 Rationality -10 Energy -10 Vengefulness
chaste Chaste +2 Learning -25% Fertility +10 Same Trait Opinion -10 Opposite Trait Opinion -50 +20 Honor +10 Energy +10 Zeal -20 Greed -20 Sociability
content Content +2 Learning +10% Stress Loss +10 Opinion of Vassals +20 Opinion of Liege +20 Same Trait Opinion −1 Intrigue -50 +10 Honor -10 Sociability -10 Vengefulness -10 Zeal -50 Energy -75 Greed
diligent Diligent +1 Diplomacy +1 Martial +1 Stewardship +1 Intrigue +1 Learning +20% Stress Gain +10 Same Trait Opinion -10 Opposite Trait Opinion -50 +75 Energy +20 Rationality +10 Vengefulness
fickle Fickle +1 Diplomacy +20% Hostile Scheme Resistance −2 Stewardship +20 −20 Honor −20 Rationality −20 Vengefulness
forgiving Forgiving +2 Diplomacy+1 Learning−2 Intrigue +15 Prisoner Opinion +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opinion +50 Compassion +20 Honor +10 Rationality −10 Energy −200 Vengefulness
generous Generous +3 Diplomacy −10% Monthly Income −15 Opposite Trait Opinion +35 Compassion +20 Honor +10 Sociability −200 Greed
gregarious Gregarious +2 Diplomacy +5 Attraction Opinion +15% Personal Scheme Power +10 Same Trait Opinion +20 +200 Sociability +35 Compassion
honest Honest +2 Diplomacy −4 Intrigue +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opinion +10 +50 Honor +20 Sociability +10 Compassion
humble Humble +0.5 Monthly Piety +10 Opinion of Liege +10 Opinion of Vassals +10 Clergy Opinion −15 Opposite Trait Opinion +20 Compassion +20 Honor −10 Energy −50 Greed
just Just +2 Stewardship +1 Learning −3 Intrigue +5 Vassal Opinion +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opinion +200 Honor +20 Rationality +10 Vengefulness +10 Zeal
patient Patient +2 Learning +10 Hostile Scheme Resistance +5 Vassal Opinion +5 Liege Opinion −15 Opposite Trait Opinion -20 +35 Rationality +10 Vengefulness −10 Energy
temperate Temperate +2 Stewardship +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opinion Small Health Boost +10 Energy −10 Vengefulness −35 Greed
trusting Trusting +2 Diplomacy −2 Intrigue +15 Opinion of Liege +15 Opinion of Vassals +15 Enemy Hostile Scheme Success Chance +50 Honor +50 Sociability +20 Compassion −20 Rationality −20 Vengefulness
zealous Zealous +2 Martial +20% Monthly Piety +15 Same Trait Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opinion −35 Different Faith Opinion +20% Faith Conversion Cost +200 Zeal +20 Energy −20 Rationality
compassionate Compassionate +2 Diplomacy +5 Attraction Opinion −15 Opposite Trait Opinion −2 Intrigue −15 Natural Dread +100% Dread Decay +200 Compassion +50 Honor +50 Sociability −20 Greed
craven Craven −50% Likelihood of capture or death in Battle +20 Same Trait Opinion −2 Martial −3 Prowess −5 Vassal Opinion −10 Attraction Opinion -200 +10 Rationality−20 Energy −20 Sociability
wrathful Wrathful +2 Martial +20 Natural Dread −1 Diplomacy −1 Intrigue +35 +20 Vengefulness +10 Energy −20 Compassion −35 Rationality
lustful Lustful  +2 Intrigue+25% Fertility+10% Seduction Scheme Power +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opinion −50% Asexuality Chance +35 Sociability +20 Greed +10 Energy −10 Honor −10 Zeal
ambitious Ambitious +1 Diplomacy +1 Martial +1 Stewardship +1 Intrigue +1 Learning +1 Prowess +25% Stress Gain −15 Opinion of Liege −15 Same Trait Opinion +50 +75 Energy +75 Greed +20 Sociability +10 Zeal −20 Honor
lazy Lazy +15% Stress Loss −1 Diplomacy −1 Intrigue −1 Stewardship −1 Martial −1 Learning -20 +10 Greed −10 Compassion −10 Sociability −10 Vengefulness −50 Energy
stubborn Stubborn +3 Stewardship −5 Liege Opinion −5 Vassal Opinion Small Disease Resistance Health Boost +50 Honor +50 Vengefulness −10 Rationality
vengeful Vengeful +2 Intrigue +2 Prowess +15% Dread Gain +15 Hostile Scheme Success Chance against Rivals −2 Diplomacy +200 Vengefulness +10 Energy −10 Honor −10 Rationality −20 Compassion
greedy Greedy +15% Monthly Income −2 Diplomacy +200 Greed −10 Honor −20 Compassion
shy Shy +2 Learning +15% Hostile Scheme Resistance +15 Same Trait Opinion −2 Diplomacy −5 Attraction Opinion −15% Personal Scheme Power -20 −10 Vengefulness −10 Zeal −200 Sociability
deceitful Deceitful +4 Intrigue −2 Diplomacy −10 Opposite Trait Opinion -10 +10 Rationality −10 Compassion −50 Honor
arrogant Arrogant +1 Monthly Prestige −5 Opinion of Vassals −5 Opinion of Liege −15 Opposite Trait Opinion +35 +20 Greed +20 Sociability +10 Energy −20 Compassion −20 Honor −20 Rationality
arbitrary Arbitrary +3 Intrigue +15 Natural Dread −50% Stress Gain −2 Stewardship −1 Learning −5 Vassal Opinion +10 −10 Compassion −10 Zeal −20 Rationality −200 Honor
impatient Impatient +20% Monthly Prestige +15% Hostile Scheme Power −2 Learning −5 Vassal Opinion −5 Liege Opinion −15 Opposite Trait Opinion +20 +10 Energy −10 Vengefulness −35 Rationality
gluttonous Gluttonous +10% Stress Loss −2 Stewardship −5 Attraction Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opition +10 Same Trait Opinion +35 Greed −10 Energy
paranoid Paranoid +3 Intrigue +25% Dread Gain +10% Scheme Discovery Chance −25 Enemy Personal Scheme Success Chance −1 Diplomacy +100% Stress gain −10 Vassal Opinion +20 Vengefulness −10 Compassion −20 Honor −20 Rationality −50 Sociability
cynical Cynical +2 Diplomacy +2 Intrigue −20% Faith Conversion Cost +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opinion −20% Monthly Piety +50 Rationality −10 Compassion −20 Energy −200 Zeal
callous Callous +2 Intrigue −20% Tyranny Gain +25% Dread Gain +25% Dread Decay −2 Diplomacy −5 Attraction Opinion −5 Close Family Opinion +10 Rationality −10 Sociability −50 Honor −200 Compassion
sadistic Sadistic +2 Intrigue +4 Prowess +35 Natural Dread −10 General Opinion Can use Hostile Schemes against their own children −75 Honor −200 Compassion

Congenital Traits

Trait IDs Trait Effects
depressed_1, depressed_genetic Melancholic −1 Diplomacy −1 Martial −1 Stewardship −1 Intrigue −10% Fertility Moderate Health Penalty
lunatic_1, lunatic_genetic Lunatic +10% Hostile Scheme Resistance +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Attraction Opinion −10 Vassal Opinion Minor Health Penalty
possessed_1, possessed_genetic Possessed +10% Monthly Learning lifestyle Experience +15 Same Trait Opinion −10 Attraction Opinion Moderate Health Penalty
fecund Fecund +50% Fertility +5 Years Life Expectancy
albino Albino +15 Natural Dread +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 General Opinion
lisping Lisping +10 Same Trait Opinion −5 Attraction Opinion −2 Diplomacy
stuttering Stuttering +10 Same Trait Opinion −2 Diplomacy
pure-blooded Pure-blooded +10% Fertility −50% Inbreeding Chance Small Health Boost
giant Giant +6 Prowess +5 Vassal Opinion +10 Tribal Ruler Opinion +20 Same Trait Opinion −5 Attraction Opinion Minor Health Penalty
scaly Scaly +10 Natural Dread +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Vassal Opinion −30 Attraction Opinion −20% Fertility
club-footed Club-footed +10 Same Trait Opinion −10 Attraction Opinion −2 Prowess
dwarf Dwarf +20 Same Trait Opinion −20 Attraction Opinion −4 Prowess
hunchbacked Hunchbacked +10 Same Trait Opinion −30 Attraction Opinion −10 Vassal Opinion −2 Prowess
sterile Sterile −50% Fertility
wheezing Wheezing −10 Vassal Opinion Tiny Health Penalty
spindly Spindly −1 Prowess −10 Attraction Opinion Minor Health Penalty
bleeder Bleeder −10 Vassal Opinion Severe Health Penalty
beauty_bad_1, beauty_bad_2, beauty_bad_3, beauty_good_1, beauty_good_2, beauty_good_3 Beauty Added Diplomacy Added Attraction Opinion Added Fertility
intellect_bad_1, intellect_bad_2, intellect_bad_3, intellect_good_1, intellect_good_2, intellect_good_3 Intellect Added Diplomacy Added Martial Added Stewardship Added Intrigue Added Learning Added Monthly Lifestyle Experience
physique_bad_1, physique_bad_2, physique_bad_3, physique_good_1, physique­_good_2, physique_good_3 Physique Added prowess Added attraction opinion Health boost if positive, penalty if negative

Physical Traits

Trait IDs Trait Character effects AI effects
shrewd Shrewd +2 Diplomacy +2 Martial +2 Stewardship +2 Intrigue +2 Learning +50 Rationality
strong Strong +4 Prowess Medium Health Boost +20 Energy
scarred Scarred +0.1 Monthly Prestige +5 Attraction Opinion
dull Dull −2 Diplomacy −2 Martial −2 Stewardship −2 Intrigue −2 Learning −50 Rationality
weak Weak −4 Prowess −10 Attraction Opinion −10 Vassal Opinion Moderate Health Penalty −20 Energy
one-eyed One-Eyed +1 Learning +10 Dread −2 Prowess −5 Attraction Opinion +100% Likelihood of capture or death in Battle −10 Energy
one-legged One-Legged +1 Learning −10 Dread −4 Prowess −10 Attraction Opinion +100% Likelihood of capture or death in Battle −10 Energy
disfigured Disfigured −4 Diplomacy −20% Fertility −20 Attraction Opinion +100% Likelihood of capture or death in Battle −20 Sociability
eunuch Eunuch −20 Attraction Opinion Cannot have children Cannot inherit titles May not marry −20 Energy

Lifestyle Traits

Trait IDs Trait Character effects AI effects Requirements
august August +2 Diplomacy +1 Martial +1 Monthly Prestige +20 Energy Finishing the August Diplomacy perk tree
diplomat Diplomat +3 Diplomacy +20 Independent Ruler Opinion +25% Personal Scheme Power +20 Energy +20 Sociability Finishing the Diplomat Diplomacy perk tree
patriarch / matriarch Patriarch / Matriarch +10 House Opinion +15 Close Family Opinion +20% Fertility +20% Stress Loss +20 Energy +20 Sociability Finishing the Family Hierarch Diplomacy perk tree
gallant Gallant +2 Martial +4 Prowess +20% Monthly Prestige +20 Attraction Opinion +35 Boldness +20 Honor +20 Sociability Finishing the Gallant Martial perk tree
overseer Overseer +2 Martial +2 Stewardship +50% Monthly Control Growth +20 Rationality Finishing the Overseer Martial perk tree
strategist Strategist +1 Diplomacy +3 Martial +25% Enemy Fatal Casualties Cross water without Advantage loss +30 Rationality Finishing the Strategist Martial perk tree
administrator Administrator +1 Diplomacy +3 Stewardship +5 Vassal Opinion +20 Rationality +10 Energy Finishing the Administrator Stewardship perk tree
architect Architect +2 Stewardship −15% Building and Holding Construction Time −10% Building and Holding Gold Cost +10 Energy +5 Rationality Finishing the Architect Stewardship perk tree
avaricious Avaricious +2 Stewardship +15% Holding Taxes +30 Greed +20 Energy −20 Honor −20 Rationality −30 Compassion Finishing the Avaricious Stewardship perk tree
schemer Schemer +5 Intrigue +25% Hostile Scheme Power −20 Honor Finishing the Schemer Intrigue perk tree
seducer Seducer +3 Intrigue +20% Fertility +40 Attraction Opinion +20 Sociability −10 Honor Finishing the Seducer Intrigue perk tree
torturer Torturer +4 Prowess +50% Dread gain +25% Hostile Scheme Resistance +10% Levy Size +20 Boldness +20 Vengefulness −30 Honor Finishing the Torturer Intrigue perk tree
scholar Scholar +5 Learning +15% Monthly Development Growth +10 Hostile Scheme Success Chance +10 Personal Scheme Success Chance +30 Rationality Finishing the Scholar Learning perk tree
theologian Theologian +3 Learning +20% Monthly Piety +20 Zeal +10 Rationality Finishing the Theologian Learning perk tree
whole of body Whole of Body +25% Fertility −25% Stress Gain Medium Health Boost +20 Energy Finishing the Whole of Body Learning perk tree
celibate Celibate +1 Monthly Piety +10 Clergy Opinion −10 Opposite Trait Opinion Cannot have children +30 Zeal −35 Sociability Embrace Celibacy decision

Leveled Traits

Trait IDs Trait chain Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects
blademaster_1, blademaster_2, blademaster_3 Blademaster Aspiring Blademaster +3 Prowess Small Disease Resistance Health Boost Blademaster +6 Prowess Medium Disease Resistance Health Boost Legendary Blademaster +12 Prowess Huge Disease Resistance Health Boost
hunter_1, hunter_2, hunter_3 Hunter Novice Hunter +2 Prowess +10% Stress Loss Hunter +4 Prowess +15% Stress Loss Master Hunter +6 Prowess +20% Stress Loss
mystic_1, mystic_2, mystic_3 Mystic Wise Woman (f)/Wise Man (m) +1 Learning Mystic +2 Learning Miracle Worker +4 Learning
reveler_1, reveler_2, reveler_3 Reveler Eager Reveler +2 Diplomacy +1 Intrigue +10 Same Trait Opinion Famous Reveler +3 Diplomacy +2 Intrigue +15 Same Trait Opinion Legendary Reveler +4 Diplomacy +3 Intrigue +20 Same Trait Opinion
physician_1, physician_2, physician_3 Physician Novice Physician +1 Learning Small Disease Resistance Health Boost Physician +2 Learning Medium Disease Resistance Health Boost Renowned Physician +4 Learning Huge Disease Resistance Health Boost

Commander Traits

Trait IDs Trait Effect
aggressive_attacker Aggressive Attacker +25% Enemy Fatal Casualties
flexible_leader Flexible leader −50% Enemy Defensive Advantage
forder Forder Crosses water without Advantage penalties
holy_warrior Holy Warrior +10 Faith Hostility Advantage
logistician Logistician +100% Supply Duration
military_engineer Military Engineer −30% Siege Phase Time
organizer Organizer +25% || Movement Speed −20% Retreat Losses
reaver Reaver +100% Raid Speed −75% Hostile County Attrition
unyielding_defender Unyielding Defender −25% Friendly Fatal Casualties
cautious_leader Cautious Leader +4 Minimum Battle Roll −2 Maximum Battle Roll
reckless Reckless +6 Maximum Battle Roll −4 Minimum Battle Roll
forest_fighter Forest Fighter +5 Advantage in Forest and Taiga terrain
open_terrain_expert Open Terrain Expert +4 Advantage in Farmlands, Plains and Steppe terrain
rough_terrain_expert Rough Terrain Expert +4 Advantage in Hills, Mountains and Wetlands terrain
desert_warrior Desert Warrior +5 Advantage in Desert, Desert Mountains, Drylands and Oasis terrain No Desert Supply Limit Penalty
jungle_stalker Jungle Stalker +6 Jungle Advantage −50% Jungle Attrition No Jungle Supply Limit Penalty

Criminal Traits

Trait IDs Trait Effects Deciding factor
adulterer Adulterer +10 Same Trait Opinion Male Adultery doctrine Female Adultery doctrine
fornicator Fornicator +10 Same Trait Opinion Male Adultery doctrine Female Adultery doctrine
deviant Deviant +25% Stress Loss +35 Same Trait Opinion Deviancy doctrine
kinslayer_1 Dynastic Kinslayer −5 Dynasty Opinion Kinslaying doctrine
kinslayer_2 Familial Kinslayer −5 Dynasty Opinion −5 Close Family Opinion Kinslaying doctrine
kinslayer_3 Kinslayer −5 Dynasty Opinion −10 Close Family Opinion Kinslaying doctrine
incestuous Incestuous +20 Same Trait Opinion Consanguinity doctrine
sodomite Sodomite +10 Same Trait Opinion Same-Sex Relations doctrine
witch Witch +1 Intrigue +1 Learning +20 Same Trait Opinion −1 Diplomacy Witchcraft doctrine
cannibal Cannibal +2 Prowess +15% Stress Loss +20 Natural Dread +35 Same Trait Opinion Ritual Cannibalism tenet
excommunicated Excommunicated −50% Monthly Piety Communion tenet

 Coping Mechanisms

Trait IDs Trait Character effects AI effects
comfort_eater Comfort Eater +20% Stress Loss −1 Stewardship +5 Greed −5 Energy
contrite Contrite +20% Stress Loss −2 Intrigue +10 Compassion +10 Honor +10 Zeal −10 Vengefulness
drunkard Drunkard +20% Stress Loss +10 Same Trait Opinion −2 Stewardship −2 Prowess Tiny Health Penalty −10 Rationality −15 Energy
flagellant Flagellant +20% Stress Loss −2 Prowess Moderate Health Penalty +25 Zeal +10 Honor +5 Boldness
hashishiyah Hashishiyah +20% Stress Loss +10 Same Trait Opinion −2 Stewardship −2 Learning −10 Vengefulness −15 Energy
improvident Improvident +1 Diplomacy +20% Stress Loss −15% Monthly Income +10 Compassion −10 Greed
inappetetic Inappetetic +20% Stress Loss −1 Diplomacy −3 prowess −5 Greed −10 Energy
irritable Irritable +2 Prowess +10% Dread Gain +20% Stress Loss −2 Diplomacy −1 Martial −5 Attraction Opinion +10 Boldness +10 Energy +10 Vengefulness −10 Compassion −20 Rationality
profligate Profligate +0.5 Monthly Prestige +20% Stress Loss −10% Monthly Income +10 Greed −10 Compassion
rakish Rakish +20% Stress Loss +5 Same Trait Opinion +1 Intrigue −1 Diplomacy −5 Attraction Opinion +20 Sociability +10 Greed −10 Energy −10 Honor −10 Zeal
reclusive Reclusive +20% Stress Loss −2 Diplomacy −1 Stewardship −10 Boldness −10 Energy −50 Sociability
athletic Athletic +1 Prowess +20% Stress Loss Small Health Boost +25 Energy +5 Boldness
confider Confider +1 Diplomacy +20% Stress Loss +20 Sociability +10 Compassion
journaller Journaller +1 Learning +20% Stress Loss +10 Rationality

Childhood Traits

Trait IDs Trait Diplomacy Martial Stewardship Intrigue Learning Struggling education
bossy Bossy 0 +1 +1 0 0 Diplomacy
charming Charming +1 0 0 +1 0 Stewardship
curious Curious +1 0 0 0 +1 Martial
pensive Pensive 0 0 +1 0 +1 Intrigue
rowdy Rowdy 0 +1 0 +1 0 Learning

Dynasty Traits

Trait IDs Trait Effects Requirements
bastard Bastard  +5 Same Trait Opinion −15 Dynasty Opinion −1 Diplomacy Cannot inherit titles The character was born outside marriage or concubinage Faith does not have the No Bastards Bastardry doctrine
bastard_founder Bastard Founder  −1 Diplomacy Cannot inherit titles The character gained a Landed title while being a Bastard
born_in_the_purple Born in the Purple  +0.5 Monthly Prestige +5 Vassal Opinion One of the parents owned the Barony of Constantinople title when the character was born One of the parents owned the Byzantine Empire or Roman Empire title when the character was born
child_of_concubine / consort Child of Concubine / Consort −1 Diplomacy One of the parents was a Concubine or Consort when the character was born
denounced Denounced  −1 Diplomacy −1 Monthly Prestige Crime towards members of the same Dynasty Denounce Dynasty Head interaction
disinherited Disinherited  −5 Dynasty Opinion Cannot inherit titles Disinherit Dynasty Head interaction
disputed_heritage Disputed Heritage  −1 Diplomacy −10 House Opinion Illegitimate Child secret was exposed
legitimized_bastard Legitimized Bastard  −10 Dynasty Opinion −1 Diplomacy Legitimize House Head interaction
reincarnation Reincarnation  +1 Monthly Piety +5 Same Faith Opinion Faith has the Reincarnation tenet 4% chance at birth
twin Twin +15 Twin Sibling Opinion 2% chance at birth
wild _oat Wild Oat −1 Diplomacy The character was born outside marriage or concubinage Faith has the No Bastards bastardry doctrine

Descendant Traits

Trait IDs Founding Trait Effects AI Zeal Descendant Trait Effects AI Zeal Founding Requirements
saoshyant Saoshyant +1 Diplomacy +2 Learning +2 Prowess +5 Same Faith Opinion +100 Saoshyant Descendant +1 Learning +5 Same Faith Opinion 0 Become the Saoshyant decision
sayyid Sayyid +5 Same Faith Opinion 0 Sayyid +5 Same Faith Opinion 0 Historical character
paragon Paragon +20 Temple Vassal Opinion +20 Consecrated Blood +10 Temple Vassal Opinion +10 Consecrate Bloodline decision Head of Faith
savior The Savior +10 Same Faith Opinion +100 Divine Blood +5 Same Faith Opinion 0 Consecrate Bloodline decision Head of Faith

Other Traits

Trait IDs Trait Effects
adventurer Adventurer  +1 Martial +1 Prowess +10 Same Trait Opinion −1 Diplomacy
augustus Augustus  +0.5 Monthly Prestige +10 Vassal Opinion
berserker Berserker  +2 Martial +5 Prowess +10 Same Trait Opinion −2 Diplomacy
chakravarti Chakravarti  +2 Diplomacy +1 Martial +2 Learning +20 Same Faith Opinion
crusader Crusader  +2 Martial +1 Prowess +15 Clergy Opinion +15 Same Faith Opinion
devoted Devoted  +0.3 Monthly Piety +5 Same Faith Opinion Cannot inherit May not marry
greatest_of_khans Greatest of Khans  +2 Diplomacy +2 Martial +1 Stewardship +2 Prowess +50 Natural Dread −25% Dread Decay +10 Same Culture Opinion +25% Hostile Scheme Resistance −20 Enemy Hostile Success Chance +20 Vassal Limit
heresiarch Heresiarch  +2 Martial +2 Learning +2 Prowess +5 Advantage against co-religionists +10 Same Faith Opinion
holy_monarch Holy Monarch  +3 Martial +2 Prowess +5 Faith Hostility Advantage −20% Retreat Losses −15% Friendly Fatal Casualties +50% Monthly Control +35 Popular Opinion +15 Same Faith Opinion +10 Same Trait Opinion Ignore Negative Culture Opinion
mujahid Mujahid  +2 Martial +1 Prowess +15 Clergy Opinion +15 Same Faith Opinion
murderer Murderer −15 General Opinion
order_member Order Member  +1 Martial +4 Prowess +15 Same Trait Opinion Cannot inherit May not marry
peasant_leader Peasant Leader  +10 Popular Opinion +25 Same Trait Opinion −10 General Opinion
pilgrim Pilgrim  +10% Monthly Piety +5 Same Faith Opinion
raider Raider  +2 Martial +3 Prowess +0.3 Monthly Prestige +5 Same Trait Opinion
saint Saint +2 Monthly Piety
varangian Varangian  +1 Diplomacy +2 Martial +2 Prowess +10 Same Trait Opinion
warrior_of_the_faith Warrior of the Faith  +2 Martial +1 Prowess +15 Clergy Opinion +15 Same Faith Opinion

Usman's enthusiasm for gaming started with a RuneScape addiction, and he employs the linguistic skills he acquired from the MMORPG at SegmentNext.