Crusader Kings 3 Doctrines Guide

There is a complex system of Doctrines in Crusader Kings 3 which is a crucial aspect of the game. Learning...

There is a complex system of Doctrines in Crusader Kings 3 which is a crucial aspect of the game. Learning all about these Doctrines and what beliefs they follow exactly will allow you to progress quickly in the game.

To help you out with learning about the Doctrines in Crusader Kings 3, we’ve prepared this guide to walk you through the beliefs and principles of each and every Doctrine present in the game.

Crusader Kings 3 Doctrines

To help you out with learning about the Doctrines in Crusader Kings III, we’ve prepared this guide to walk you through the beliefs and principles of each and every Doctrine present in the game.

Main Doctrines

The governance of the realm is heavily influenced by Main Doctrines in Crusader Kings 3. These Doctrines are responsible for the rules of the Faith.

View on Gender

Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Requirements Effects
Male Dominated ·        If male dominated: 300 ·        If female dominated: 900 ·        If equal: 600 No requirements ·        The Male only and Male Preference Succession Laws are enabled. ·        Women can only make claims against other women, children or incapable rulers. ·        Women do not get Implicit Claims ·        Titles cannot be given to women ·        Women cannot be appointed Chancellor, Marshal or Steward ·        -10 Opinion of Female Rulers
Equal ·        If male dominated: 600 ·        If female dominated: 600 ·        If equal: 300 No requirements The Male Preference, Equal and Female Preference Succession Laws are enabled
Female Dominated ·        If male dominated: 900 ·        If female dominated: 300 ·        If equal: 600 No requirements ·        The Female only and Female Preference Succession Laws are enabled ·        Men can only make claims against other women, children or incapable rulers. ·        Men do not get Implicit Claims ·        Titles cannot be given to men ·        Men cannot be appointed Chancellor, Marshal or Steward ·        -10 Opinion of Men Rulers  

Religious Attitude

Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Requirements Effects
Fundamentalist ·        If Fundamentalist: 200 ·        If Righteous: 400 ·        If Pluralist: 600 None ·        County Conversion Speed is increased by 20% ·        Opinion penalties with followers of other Faiths are increased by 100% ·        Heresy Risk is increased by 100% ·        The chance for Counties of other Faiths to join Factions is increased ·        Landed titles from followers of a Hostile of Evil Faith can be revoked without sustaining Tyranny
Righteous ·        If Fundamentalist: 400 ·        If Righteous: 200 ·        If Pluralist: 400 None Landed titles from followers of a Hostile of Evil Faith can be revoked without sustaining Tyranny
Pluralist ·        If Fundamentalist: 600 ·        If Righteous: 400 ·        If Pluralist: 200 None ·        County Conversion Speed is decreased by 20% ·        Opinion penalties with followers of other Faiths are decreased by 50% ·        Heresy Risk is decreased by 50% ·        The chance for Counties of other Faiths to join Factions is decreased ·        Rulers of other Faiths are vassalized when a Holy War is won, instead of having their Titles seized

Clerical Tradition

Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Requirements Effects
Theocratic ·        If Theocratic: 200 ·        If Lay Clergy: 600 Temporal Head of Faith ·        The Realm Priest Council Position is enabled ·        Temple Holdings have to be put on lease
Lay Clergy ·        If Theocratic: 600 ·        If Lay Clergy: 200 None The Court Chaplain council Position is enabled

Head of Faith

Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Requirements Effects
None ·        If None: 200 ·        If Spiritual: 400 ·        If Temporal: 400 None ·        Fervor remains at 25% or above ·        There is no Head of Faith for the Faith
Spiritual ·        If None: 600 ·        If Spiritual: 300 ·        If Temporal: 600 None ·        -500 Piety when war is declared against own Head of Faith ·        A leading clergy member is granted the title of Head of Faith ·        Gold or claims of landed Titles can be granted by the Head of Faith ·        If Great Holy Wars are permissible in the Faith, Undirected Great Holy Wards can be declared by the Head of Faith
Temporal ·        If None: 1000 ·        If Spiritual: 1000 ·        If Temporal: 500 Theocratic Clerical tradition ·        -100 Piety when war is declared against own Head of Faith ·        The founder of the Faith is granted the title of Head of Faith and it is passed on to the Primary Heir (unless they have a different Faith) ·        If Great Holy Wars are permissible in the Faith, Directed Great Holy Wards can be declared by the Head of Faith  

Muhammad’s Shia Succession

Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Requirements Effects
Sunni ·        If Sunni: 0 ·        If any other: 200 Islam Religion Faiths with the same Doctrine are seen as Astray
Shia ·        If Shia: 0 ·        If any other: 200 Islam Religion Faiths with the same Doctrine are seen as Astray
Muhakkima 1.     If Muhakkima: 0 2.     If any other: 200 Islam Religion Faiths with the same Doctrine are seen Astray
Zandaqa 1.     If Zandaqa: 0 2.     If any other: 200 Islam Religion +5 Advantage against enemies of th same Religion



Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Requirements Effects
Ecumenism ·        Catholicism ·        Orthodoxy ·        Coptic ·        Apostolic ·        Insular Christianity ·        Krstjani ·        Conversos Faiths with the same Doctrine are seen as Astray


Marriage Doctrines

In Crusader kings 3, Who a character is allowed to marry and divorce, when they can do so and the status of the Bastard children is all determined by the Marriage Doctrines of the character’s Faith.

Marriage Type

Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Effects
Monogamous ·        If Monogamous: 200 ·        If Polygamous: 400 ·        If Consorts and Concubines: 400 ·        Followers can have only one Spouse ·        When first marrying, followers have a choice to be granted +350 Prestige or a scaled amount of gold
Polygamous ·        If Monogamous: 400 ·        If Polygamous: 200 ·        If Consorts and Concubines: 400 ·        Followers can have 4 Spouses ·        A Piety Penalty is given for having fewer Spouses than the Primary Title rank
Consorts and Concubines ·        If Monogamous: 400 ·        If Polygamous: 400 ·        If Consorts and Concubines: 200 ·        Followers can have only one Spouses ·        Up to 3 Consorts or Concubines can be had by the rulers


Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Effects
Disallowed ·        If Disallowed: 100 ·        If Must be Approved: 200 ·        If Always Approved: 300 Followers cannot divorce
Must be Approved ·        If Disallowed: 200 ·        If Must be Approved: 100 ·        If Always Allowed: 200 ·        Approval from the Spiritual Head of Faith is required for a divorce ·        In case of there being no Spiritual Head of Faith, approval has to be given by the House Head
Always Allowed ·        If Disallowed: 300 ·        If Must be Approved: 200 ·        If Always Allowed: 100 Followers can get a divorce at the cost of 100 Piety


Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Effects
No Bastards ·        If No Bastards: 200 ·        If Legitimization: 400 ·        If No Legitimization: 600 ·        Children born outside of Concubinage or Marriage are born with the Wild Oat trait
Legitimization ·        If No Bastards: 400 ·        If Legitimization: 200 ·        If no Legitimization: 400 ·        Children born outside Concubinage or Marriage are born with the Bastard trait ·        Characters with the Bastard trait can be legitimized by the House Heads
No Legitimization ·        If No Bastards: 600 ·        If Legitimization: 400 ·        If no Legitimization: 200 ·        Children born outside of Concubinage or Marriage are born with the Bastard trait


Doctrine Max Cost of Piety Effects
Close-kin Taboo ·        If Close-kin Taboo: 300 ·        If Cousin Marriage: 600 ·        If Avunculate Marriage: 900 ·        If Unrestricted Marriage: 1200 ·        Followers are not allowed to marry family members ·        Followers who sleep with family members obtain the Incest Secret
Cousin Marriage ·        If Close-kin Taboo: 600 ·        If Cousin Marriage: 300 ·        If Avunculate Marriage: 600 ·        If Unrestricted Marriage: 900 ·        Followers are allowed to marry their cousins ·        Followers who sleep with family members (excluding cousins) obtain the Incest Secret
Avunculate Marriage ·        If Close-kin Taboo: 900 ·        If Cousin Marriage: 600 ·        If Avunculate Marriage: 300 ·        If Unrestricted Marriage: 600 ·        Followers are allowed to marry extended family members ·        Followers who sleep with close family members obtain the Incest Secret
Unrestricted Marriage ·        If Close-kin Taboo: 1200 ·        If Cousin Marriage: 900 ·        If Avunculate Marriage: 600 ·        If Unrestricted Marriage: 300 Followers are allowed to marry family members


The acceptance or disapproval of the Traits in Crusader Kings 3 is determined by the Crime Doctrines. A Trait can either be accepted, shunned or a punishable crime in a Crime Doctrine.

If a character is shunned, all those who see the Trait as sinful will lose a level of Devotion and Opinion with the character.

Same-Sex Relations

Trait Doctrine Max Piety Cost
Sodomite Criminal ·        If Criminal: 200 ·        If Shunned: 400 ·        If Accepted: 600
Shunned ·        If Criminal: 400 ·        If Shunned: 200 ·        If Accepted:400
Accepted ·        If Criminal: 600 ·        If Shunned: 400 ·        If Accepted: 200

Male Adultery

Trait Doctrine Max Piety Cost
Adulterer and Fornicator (Men Only) Criminal ·        If Criminal: 200 ·        If Shunned: 400 ·        If Accepted: 600
Shunned ·        If Criminal: 400 ·        If Shunned: 200 ·        If Accepted: 400
Accepted ·        If Criminal: 600 ·        If Shunned: 400 ·        If Accepted: 200

Female Adultery

Trait Doctrine Max Piety Cost
Adulterer and Fornicator (Women Only) Criminal ·        If Criminal: 200 ·        If Shunned: 400 ·        If Accepted: 600
Shunned ·        If Criminal: 400 ·        If Shunned: 200 ·        If Accepted: 400
Accepted ·        If Criminal: 600 ·        If Shunned: 400 ·        If Accepted: 200


Trait Doctrine Max Piety Cost
Deviant Criminal ·        If Criminal: 100 ·        If Shunned: 200 ·        If Accepted:3600
Shunned ·        If Criminal: 200 ·        If Shunned: 100 ·        If Accepted:2400
Accepted ·        If Criminal: 300 ·        If Shunned: 200 ·        If Accepted: 100


Trait Doctrine Max Piety Cost
Witch Criminal ·        If Criminal: 100 ·        If Shunned: 200 ·        If Accepted: 300
Shunned ·        If Criminal: 200 ·        If Shunned: 100 ·        If Accepted: 200
Accepted ·        If Criminal: 300 ·        If Shunned: 200 ·        If Accepted: 100


Trait Doctrine Max Piety Cost
Dynastic Kinslayer Familial Kinslayer Kinslayer Dynastic is Criminal ·        If Dynastic is Criminal: 200 ·        If Familial is Criminal: 400 ·        If Close-kin is Criminal: 600 ·        If Shunned is Criminal: 800 ·        If Accepted: 1000
Familial is Criminal ·        If Dynastic is Criminal: 400 ·        If Familial is Criminal: 200 ·        If Close-kin is Criminal: 400 ·        If Shunned is Criminal: 600 ·        If Accepted: 800
Close-kin is Criminal ·        If Dynastic is Criminal: 600 ·        If Familial is Criminal: 400 ·        If Close-kin is Criminal: 200 ·        If Shunned is Criminal: 400 ·        If Accepted: 600
Shunned ·        If Dynastic is Criminal: 800 ·        If Familial is Criminal: 600 ·        If Close-kin is Criminal: 400 ·        If Shunned is Criminal: 200 ·        If Accepted: 400
Accepted ·        If Dynastic is Criminal: 1000 ·        If Familial is Criminal: 800 ·        If Close-kin is Criminal: 600 ·        If Shunned is Criminal: 400 ·        If Accepted: 200


Only Court Chaplains, Temple Holders, Realm Priests and characters having the Monk trait are influenced by the effects of Clerical Doctrines in Crusader Kings 3.

Clerical Function

Doctrine Max Piety Cost Effects
Control ·        If Control: 100 ·        If Alms and Pacification: 200 ·        If Recruitment: 200 Clergy Control Growth is increased by 20%  
Alms and Pacification ·        If Control: 200 ·        If Alms and Pacification: 100 ·        If Recruitment: 200 ·        Clergy Popular Opinion is increased by 10 ·        Clergy Domain Taxes are decreased by 5%
Recruitment ·        If Control: 200 ·        If Alms and Pacification: 200 ·        If Recruitment: 100 ·        Clergy Prowess is increased by 2 ·        Clergy Levy Reinforcement Rate is decreased by 30% (if same Faith) ·        Clergy Domain Taxes are decreased by 3% (If same Faith) ·        Clergy members can take the position of Commander or Knight

Clerical Gender

Doctrine Max Piety Cost Effects
Only Men ·        If Only Men: 100 ·        If Either: 200 ·        If Only Women: 300 ·        Temple holdings can be granted to men and they can serve as Court Chaplains or Realm Priests
Either ·        If Only Men: 200 ·        If Either: 100 ·        If Only Women: 200 ·        Temple holdings can be granted to both genders and they can both serve as Court Chaplains or Realm Priests
Only Women ·        If Only Men: 300 ·        If Either: 200 ·        If Only Women: 100 ·        Temple holdings can be granted to women and they can serve as Court Chaplains or Realm Priests

Clerical Marriage

Doctrine Max Piety Cost Effects
Allowed ·        If Allowed: 100 ·        If Disallowed: 300 Members of the Clergy are allowed to marry
Disallowed ·        If Allowed: 300 ·        If Disallowed: 100 Members of the Clergy are not allowed to marry

Clerical Appointment

Doctrine Max Piety Cost Effects
Temporal Revocable ·        If Temporal Revocable: 300 ·        If Spiritual Revocable: 900 ·        If Only Temporal, for Life: 900 ·        If Only Spiritual, for Life: 1350 ·        The Liege appoints Court Chaplains and Realm Priests ·        The Court Chaplains and Realm Priests can be replaced or removed
Spiritual Revocable ·        If Temporal Revocable: 900 ·        If Spiritual Revocable: 300 ·        If Only Temporal, for Life: 1350 ·        If Only Spiritual, for Life: 900 ·        The Head of Faith appoints the Court Chaplains and Realm Priests ·        The Court Chaplains and Realm Priests can be replaced or removed
Temporal, for Life ·        If Temporal Revocable: 900 ·        If Spiritual Revocable: 1350 ·        If Only Temporal, for Life: 300 ·        If Only Spiritual, for Life: 900 ·        The Liege appoints Court Chaplains and Realm Priests ·        The Court Chaplains and Realm Priests cannot be replaced or removed
Spiritual, for Life ·        If Temporal Revocable: 1350 ·        If Spiritual Revocable: 900 ·        If Only Temporal, for Life: 900 ·        If Only Spiritual, for Life: 300 ·        The Head of Faith appoints the Court Chaplains and Realm Priests ·        The Court Chaplains and Realm Priests cannot be replaced or removed  

Special Doctrines

Some Faiths have an additional Doctrine known as the ‘Special Doctrine’.

Doctrine Faith   Effects
Teachings of Jesus All Christian This Doctrine sees Faiths with the Christian Syncretism Tenet as Hostile instead of Evil Opinion with Faiths with the Christian Syncretism Tenet is increased by 30
Teachings of the Prophet All Muslim This Doctrine sees Faiths with the Islamic Syncretism Tenet as Hostile instead of Evil Opinion with Faiths with the Islamic Syncretism Tenet is increased by 30
Teachings of Moses All Jewish This Doctrine sees Faiths with the Jewish Syncretism Tenet as Hostile instead of Evil Opinion with Faiths with the Jewish Syncretism Tenet is increased by 30
Naked Priests Digambara Priests and Zealous characters stay nude
Rightful Rulers of the World Digambara Holy War Piety cost is decreased by 50%
Full Tolerance All (Faith Tolerance setting has to be set to Full) This Doctrine sees all Faiths as righteous