If any of you has swung by one of the GameStop stores, you might have come across this yourself. If you haven’t, read on. A Twitter user has posted pictures that he took from a GameStop store apparently showing new Call of Duty Ghosts DLC Onslaught.
The user had posted that image yesterday with the words “new DLC for Ghosts.” The picture comes with the DVD rack full of Call of Duty Ghosts with the images of the new DLC so it’s really hard to ignore.
Call of Duty Ghosts Onslaught is bound to hit the market on January 28, 2014. The poster reads “first on Xbox Live” too.
As far as the content is concerned; we are looking at four new maps named Fog, Bayview, Containment and Ignition. Other than this, two new weapons Maverick AR and the Sniper Rifle will be introduced.
Lastly, a new episode in the Extinction mode called Night Fall will accompany the Onslaught DLC.
The guy who posted these images is based in Ohio (as per his Twitter account) so we are guessing the Gamestop store being talked about is in the same city. That is if you are somewhere around the store, you might be able to check out the poster yourself.
Nothing has been confirmed by Activision on the matter but now that the news is out (arguably before time) we might be hearing something from them soon.
You can check the poster in all its glory below: