How To Enable And Use Cheats In Borderlands?

This guide teaches you how to enable Cheats in Borderlands by unlocking the Dev Console in-game. We explain the process step by step.

Borderlands offers a thrilling blend of first-person shooting and RPG elements, throwing you into a chaotic world filled with loot and mayhem. While the core gameplay loop is undeniably fun, some players might crave a different experience – a taste of invincibility or a stockpile of endless ammo.

This guide caters to those who seek a more unconventional Borderlands experience. Here, we’ll tell you how to unlock the developer console and enable a variety of cheats. From demigod mode to infinite inventory space, we’ll help you customize your Borderlands playthrough to your liking.

Remember, using cheats can alter the core gameplay experience. Proceed with caution, and only use them if you understand their potential impact on your enjoyment of the game.

How to Activate the Console in Borderlands?

To activate your console, go to the game directory and config folder

My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config\

Once you’re in the config folder, open DefaultInput with Notepad, press CTRL+F and hit enter. Change the ConsoleKey from None to ConsoleKey=tilde and start the game.

How to Enable Cheats in Borderlands?

To activate cheat codes in Borderlands, you need to head to

My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config\

Once you’re in the config folder, you need to open WillowGame.ini search for the following term and change it according to your need:

WeaponReadyMax (2 to 4)Cap Weapon Slots
bDemiGodMode (set to true)Demigod Mode (invincibility)
InventorySlotMax_Misc (choose a number)Increase Maximum Inventory
bIgnoreFriendlyFireSet to false if you want to shoot your teammates and do damage
bIgnoreNPCFriendlyFireSet to false and let the NPCs do damage to each other
bBossesRegenHealthOnResetSet to true so bosses don’t regain health after dying
bResurrectAllPlayersWhenOneDiesSet to true to bring all players to life when one teammate dies
UnlockAllFastTravelStationsActivates every fast travel station in the game
Expfunc givepoints 1000Grants players with 1000 experience points
dbm_togglehostToggles ghost mode
DemiGodToggle demigod mode
resetcooldownResets the cooldown for each action skill of the player
notargetToggle a creature’s ability to target you
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Zawad Iftikhar is the founder of, an FPS enthusiast and a Call of Duty veteran, having participated multiple eSports competition.