The Subsurface Resonator is another buildable machine you can construct at a crafting table in the “Buried” zombies map for Black Ops 2. It’s similar to the machine gun turret found in previous maps in that it can damage zombies and requires a turbine to function.
All four parts of this machine can be found in the General Store building. In this guide, we’ll review the descriptions and locations for the four parts of the Resonator in Buried in Black Ops 2 Zombies.
1. Speaker

The first and most recognizable part of the resonator is the speaker, I recommend that you grab this first as it will be difficult for you to mistake it for any other part. You’ll find it in the main area, opposite the weapons cabinet.
2. Disk

This part looks like a circular disk (sort of like a funnel) and is sitting atop one of the two counters in the main room of the general store. There is a part for another buildable on the other counter so make sure you go to the one right next to the barrel.
3. Frame

The one holds the mechanism for the resonator (i.e. the other parts) and can be found as you go upstairs. Just as you come out onto the second floor you can find this part at the top of the stairs, in the corner.
4. Base

The base of the entire contraption, you can find it lying next to the wall very close to the back door of the General Store. It looks like a little wooden table.
Once you have all four pieces, head over to the crafting table and add each component to craft the Subsurface Resonator in Black Ops 2. This weapon sends out sound waves that damage zombies and distorts your screen.