Data Logs are encrypted pieces of lore that reveal information about the world around you in Armored Core 6. They are scattered across different chapters and hidden away carefully.
For completionists, finding 10 Data Logs in Armored Core 6 is how you unlock the “Data Log Collector” achievement. Let’s take a look at where you need to go and what you need to do to get all of them.
Where to find all Data Logs in Armored Core 6
The Data logs are scattered throughout the game. You will encounter them randomly as you progress your story. But, if for some reason you couldn’t find one. Whether you are searing for them for the achievement or simply for the lore. Here, in this guide, we will give you a brief explanation of how to acquire them.
Chapter 1
Five missions in the first chapter of Armored Core 6 contain Data Logs. Almost all of them are part of the main storyline, so they are impossible to miss.
Mission 1: Illegal Entry
The first mission of Armored Core 6 has a storyline objective that automatically takes you to your first few Data Logs. You do not need to go out of your way. You only need to follow the mission marker.
You will come across 4x Data Logs while looting the AC wrecks.
Mission 8: Operation Wall Climber
To locate the first Data Log, simply head 97 degrees on your compass until you reach an apartment complex. From there you’ll find the wreckage near an Airplane Hanger. Loot the wreckage to find the loot.
The second Data Log location is just by the Dam.
Climb the wall by taking a boost. After that just stick to it until you reach a pillar. Then strafe jump using your rockets to get on the ledge above you.
From there just stick to the side of the wall, and you will soon discover the Data log waiting for you at the end.
Mission 9: Retrieve Combat Logs
You will automatically receive the Data Logs as a reward for completing the mission in Armored Core 6. Just start the quest, follow all the instructions and you’ll get 5x Data Log at the very end.
Mission 10: Investigate BAWS Arsenal No. 2
The first data log comes right after dealing with the first enemy in this mission. From there, move a few steps forward and look for the log in the corner possessed by a destroyed AC.

You will get the second log on this platform on top of a yellow strap.
Mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint
The mission starts with a couple of laser canons attacking you from rooftops. Finish the canon on the far platform and then look down to the water. That is where the first log will be placed.

Go into the next area to proceed in the mission. There’s a large building (with the highest roof). You’ll find the second log right there.

Chapter 2
There are two data logs to find in this chapter, in only one of its missions.
Mission 14: Ocean Crossing
You’ll need to do a bit of Parkour for this. After you have started this mission and excited the elevator, simply head towards the end of the first platform. From there on out turn left towards the edge and jump down.
A fair bit of warning ahead, is that the drop is very steep. After a successful landing, turn all the way around and you find a Broken robot near you. Scan it and you will get a Data Log.

Turn around from this place and start your journey on the rails. Keep moving forward until you reach the second log at the dead end, where you’ll see a red laser moving from right to left.

Chapter 3
The Data Logs of Chapter 3 are fairly easy to find in Armored Core 6.
Mission 15: Steal The Survey Data
You will get the Data Log by simply playing the mission. Let us elaborate a bit further. As you complete the mission you’ll be asked to loot some wrecks. Each wreck that you loot will contain 1x Data Log in it.
You will find a totality of
- 4x Data Log on this mission
Mission 16: Attack the Refuelling Base
Go down from the bridge where you see an artillery. Look to the right on the bottom side of the bridge and move to the garages beside another thin bridge. That’s where you will find this log.

Mission 19: Survey the Uninhabited Floating City
From the start of the mission, start following the red lights until going past the second fog control device. Keep moving forward from the device’s spot while fending off several robotic enemies. Stop where you see a round structure and drop down to receive the log from a wreck.

Mission 26: Historic Data Recovery
You will automatically get 3x Data Log when playing the mission. Looting wrecks will be a part of the mission. As soon as you loot one of them you will receive 1x Data Log in your inventory.