Caves in Ark in The Center are resource-rich locations that house precious loot and are often great base-building locations. However, access points to these caves are often extremely challenging to find. You can roam around for hours but if you don’t know where to go, you’ll end up going around in circles.
So, the following guide will help you find the best cave locations in Ark the Center and it will also discuss the loot that these caves can offer.
Where to Find Jungle Cave

The Jungle Cave also known as the South East Cave can be found in the Southern Jungle. Players can set foot in this cave through each of five different entrances. When venturing here it is recommended for players to come equipped with Flak Armour, SCUBA, stimulants, and Weapons.
Entrance 1 – (54.2,62.7)
The cave can be accessed through this land opening found near a pond.
Entrance 2 – (52.67,67.7)
This is a flyer entrance to the cave that you access while riding a flying creature.
Entrance 3 – (45.0,64.0)
This is an underwater, access to the cave
Entrance 4 – (50.8,71.3)
Another way to approach this cave is through a raft via this opening which is connected to the sea.
Entrance 5 – (46.3,63.1)
The final opening of the cave is within the ruins found in this area. Following the path of a flooded tunnel found in these ruins will lead you to the inside of the cave.
Risk of drowning, taking significant fall damage, and threatening creatures are the most prominent dangers encountered in this cave
Jungle Cave loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Immune
- Oil
- Silica Pearls
- Stone
- Metal
- Crystal
- Flint
- Chitin
- Hide
Where to Find Northern Ice Cave

The entrance to this cave can only be accessed by traversing a significant amount of underwater distance. This is considerably difficult to accomplish without a full SCUBA set. Remember to bring along Grappling Hooks.
The cave lies at the coordinates 18.7,29.7.
There are two underwater passageways each of which leads to a separate Artifact.
The Artifact of the Devourer may be located by taking the higher passage while taking the lower passage leads you to the Artifact of Clever.
Northern Ice Cave Loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Clever
- Artifact of the Devourer
- Oil
- Stone
- Crystal
- Flint
- Metal
Where to Find Southern Ice Cave

To set foot in this cave you must venture to the Southern Snow Biome found on Ark The Center map and travel to the coordinates 60.0,22.5 to find the entrance to the cave.
Note that the temperatures in this region of the map drop quite low so players must come fully equipped with Fur Armor, Torches, and Medical Brews. Huge drop heights and fierce Yetis are another concern to deal with.
To find the Artifact of the Skylord you must travel to the end of this huge labyrinthine cavern.
Southern Ice Cave Loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Skylord
- Flint
- Metal
- Crystal
- Oil
- Stone
Where to Find Lava Oasis Cave

Venture to the West of the Lava Biome found on the Ark The Center map and search for the entrance at the coordinates 15.8,50.5. These caves aren’t lava caves despite their names.
Two passageways can be seen once entered choose the right path and travel further through a submerged tunnel to find the Artifact of the Hunter.
Considering the dark, bring along a light source with you and come equipped with Flak Armor, SCUBA, Grappling Hooks, and Weapons.
Risks when entering this cave include dangerous jumps, Poisonous and Hostile creatures, and visibility issues.
Lava Oasis Cave Loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Hunter
- Flint
- Silica Pearls
- Crystal
- Stone
- Metal
Where to Find Lava Cave

The LavaCave is an added region for The Center DLC for Ark and is one of the hardest caves in the whole game, found at the coordinates 11.2,67.4.
Even considering the dangers it is well worth the time exploring this cave since two Artifacts are located here.
Extreme heat and deadly falls are among the dangers present in the area. You must come equipped with Flak Armor, Ghillie Suit, Stimulants, Grappling Hooks, and Weapons.
Lava Cave Loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Massive
- Artifact of the Strong
- Metal
- Obsidian
- Chitin
- Crystal
- Flint
- Stone
Where to Find Southeastern Trench

Another DLC added location, in Ark, The Eastern Trench houses a small cave in its southern portion where the Artifact of the Brute may also be found. This is also an extremely resource-rich area.
The entrance to the trench is extremely dark and dangerous. It is recommended to bring along the Tek Helmet or Night Vision Glasses to tackle this issue. It can be accessed along the entire eastern edge of the map.
Southeastern Trench Loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Brute
- AnglerGel
- Black Pearl
- Obsidian
- Ammonite Bile
- Oil
- Silica Pearls
- Chitin
Where to Find the Center Cave

The location of the Center Cave lies within the floating Island of The Center where the Artifact of the Devious may also be found.
You can choose to approach the cave from each of its three entrances that are:
Entrance 1 – (35.9,34.4)
The coordinates are for a land approach to the cave system.
Entrance 2 – (36.4,35.0)
These coordinates lead you to an approach to the cave through the bottom of the Floating Island.
Entrance 3 – (40.3,31.0)
These coordinates lead you to a second opening for the cave through the bottom of the Floating Island.
There are significant drop heights in the cave so carefully take the next step. It is recommended to come equipped with weapons, Chitin Armor (or Better), Grappling Hooks, and Stimulants.
Center Cave Loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Devious
- Stone
- Hide
- Chitin
- Flint
- Metal
- Titanoboa Venom
Where to Find Cliffside Cavern

The Cliffside Cavern similarly to the Underground World is a self-sufficient ecosystem. The Cliffside Cavern lies underneath the Snowy Grasslands in between the cliffs of the Edge of the World.
The cave may be accessed through each of the three following entrances:
1st Entrance: 58.1,12.8
2nd Entrance: 21.0, 13.5
3rd Entrance: 36.0,2.0
The Artifact of the Cunning can be found by traveling to the Cliffside Cavern and flying to the Ice Center found in the middle.
Cliffside Cavern Loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Cunning
- Silica Pearls
- Stone
- Fiber
- Flint
- Organic Polymer
- Crystal
- Pelt
- Hide
- Metal
- Thatch
- Wood
Where to Find Underground World

The Underground World is a self-sufficient underground caves ecosystem found on the Ark The Center map.
The Underground World can be accessed through six different well-hidden entrances. The way to step foot inside is to fly over on a flying tame, locate an entrance and then drop down on a parachute.
Entrance 1 – (34.9,65.8)
This is an entrance that can be accessed by approaching on a flying tame and using a parachute. Follow the path including a long cave and narrow stone bridges both surrounded by lava ravines.
Entrance 2 – (32.7,64.1)
These coordinates are for an underwater entrance to the cave. SCUBA gear is required should this access point be used.
Entrance 3 – (34.3,53.3)
These coordinates are for an entrance point in the ruins, a flooded opening leads you inside the cave.
Entrance 4 – (44.2,58.0)
Another underwater access point, this time through the bottom of a small river bay found close to a few ruins on the center island.
Entrance 5 – (66.1,51.7)
Yet another underwater entrance. This was added in patch 245.0 for the game. Players may use it to travel back and forth between the surface and the underworld on foot.
Entrance 6 – (53.5,53.8)
These coordinates are for an access point found in some ruins and is yet another entrance that was added in patch 245.0.
The path is a long and dangerous one and can be used for the back-and-forth travel from the surface to the underworld on foot.
Underground World Loot
The following resources and loot may be obtained in this cave:
- Artifact of the Pack
- Stimberry
- Stone
- Fiber
- Flint
- Hide
- Obsidian
- Chitin
- Crystal
- Oil
- Metal
- Thatch
- Wood