Alpha Carnotaurus is among the many Alpha Creatures in Ark: Survival Ascended. Like all other Alphas, this creature is stronger than its standard counterpart. It is found across several Ark maps and can be fairly difficult to defeat.
It is found in 8 regions in Ark Survival Ascended. To take it down, you will need a combination of a flying mount and traps. Engaging it at range is the way to go.
How to kill Alpha Carnotaurus in Ark: Survival Ascended?

Since the Alpha Carno deals a lot of damage, the best way to deal with it is to use a trap. Having a trap will ensure you can attack it indefinitely without getting hurt, as this Alpha deals a ton of damage. Any 2/4 metal trap with doors will work in this case. If you cannot trap the Carno, you can also use a flying mount to avoid harm’s way. We recommend going with an Argentavis.
Once you’ve trapped a Carno or have acquired an Argentavis, shoot it until it dies. Get a high-level bow or crossbow; on average, it should take around 600 arrows to successfully take down a Carno with a low-level crossbow, but using a high-level one may reduce that to just 110 hits. You can also try getting headshots to deal three times more damage.
Can you tame an Alpha Carnotaurus?
Like all other Alpha creatures, Alpha Carnotaurus cannot be tamed. Instead, you can only hunt them and kill them for the items they drop, which include Keratin, Alpha Carnotaurus Arm, and Hide.
Drops And Rewards
Once you kill an Alpha Carnotaurus, it will drop several items. Below, we’ve listed all of them, along with their Spawn Commands.
Item | Spawn Command |
Hide | cheat giveitemnum 10 1 0 0 |
Keratin | cheat giveitemnum 213 1 0 0 |
Raw Prime Meat | cheat giveitemnum 248 1 0 0 |
Alpha Carnotaurus Arm | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaCarno 1 0 0 |
Rex Bone Helmet Skin | cheat giveitemnum 295 1 0 0 |
Being an Alpha, the Alpha Carnotaurus possesses better stats than a standard Carnotaurus. Below are the stats for the standard and wild Alpha Carnotaurus.
Attribute | Standard Alpha Carnotaurus | Wild Alpha Carnotaurus |
Health | 6400 | 7680 |
Stamina | 300 | 330 |
Food | 2000 | 2200 |
Weight | 300 | 316 |
Melee Damage | 80 | 84 |
Movement Speed | 100% | |
Torpidity | 350 | 371 |
Ark Survival Ascended Alpha Carnotaurus Locations
The Island Alpha Carnotaurus Location

On the Island, the Alpha Carno is found everywhere. The place where its spawn rate is the highest is on the volcano on The Grand Hills. Head to 40 Lat and 40 Lon to find this area.
Ark: The Center Alpha Carnotaurus Location

Similar to the Island, The Alpha Carno spawns everywhere in The Center. However, the best place to find this creature is the Center at 39 Lat and 32 Lon, and the Half-Burnt Island next to the Volcano Biome at 16 Lat and 77 Lon.
Ragnarök Alpha Carnotaurus Location

On Ark: Ragnarök, the best Alpha Carno spawn areas are located near the Hidden Springs and Forbidden Valley areas toward the bottom middle of the map. Head to the coordinates 68 Lat 55 Lon, 61 Lat 63 Lon, and 77 Lat 63 Lon, to increase your chances of finding this creature.
Alpha Carnotaurus Location on Ark: Valgeuro

The Alpha Carno will spawn everywhere on Valgeuro except for the Snow Mountain and Paradise areas. The most common spawn point is at 35 Lat and 52 Lon in the Boreal Forest area.
Genesis: Part 1 Alpha Carnotaurus Location

In Genesis Part 1, the best place to find an Alpha Carno is the west of the Swamp map and the entirety of the Volcano map.
Ark: Crystal Isles Alpha Carnotaurus Location

On the Crystal Isles map, the best place to find an Alpha Carnotausaurus is the Northern Islands at 23 Lat and 74 Lon and Tundrafalls at 40 Lat 53 Lon.
Alpha Carnotaurus Locations in Genesis: Part 2

In Genesis: part 2, you’ll find Alpha Carnos in Calamity Vale, Skyreach Cliffs, and Isolation Peak.
Ark: Lost Island Alpha Carnotaurus Locations

Finally, on Lost Island, Alpha Carnos will spawn everywhere, but the best places to look for them are at 84 Lat and 63 Lon in the Sunset Beach area, 26 Lat 43 Lon in the Sands of the Four Mouths, and 33 Lat and 36 Lon in Tumash Bay.
Alpha Carnotaurus Spawn Command
If you’re having trouble finding an Alpha Carnotaurus, you can use a spawn command to summon it. To do this, first open the console command box by pressing TAB. If you’re playing on PlayStation, you must simultaneously hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle. Similarly, on Xbox, hold down LB, RB, X, and Y at once.
Once the console opens, type in: “cheat summon MegaCarno_Character_BP_C” and press enter.