HLNA is an Artificial character that Helena creates in Ark Genesis Part 2. This artificial being has left some explorer notes you can collect to learn about the Ark’s background story. Exploring these will help you learn more details about the game’s story and allow you to earn XP.
Apart from XP, you will also get a buff that you can multiply by collecting more notes within 10 minutes. In this guide, you will find coordinates and details about all 46 HLNA Explorer Notes in Ark: Genesis Part 2.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #1

You will automatically acquire the first HLNA Explorer Note upon spawning into the Genesis: Part 2 map.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #2

- LAT: 40
- LON: 70
The second HLNA Explorer Note can be found at 40 Lat and 70 Lon. It’ll be on top of a circular metallic structure in the middle of the river.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #3

- LAT: 46
- LON: 75
Note number three is in the middle of the road at 46 Latitude and 75 Longitude in Sam’s Garden.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #4

- LAT: 49
- LON: 86
The next HLNA Note is found in the castle area of Sam’s Garden. It will be in the middle of the walkway at the coordinates described above.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #5

- LAT: 79
- LON: 75
In the Calamity Vale area of Sam’s Garden, you can find the fifth HLNA Explorer Note. It will be right along the river shore at the coordinate described above.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #6

- LAT: 60
- LON: 75
Heading north will net you the next explorer note. It’ll be in the valley found at 60 Latitude and 75 Longitude.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #7

- LAT: 29
- LON: 80
At 29 Longitude and 80 Latitude, you’ll find the next explorer note. It will trigger right as you approach the large metallic building found there.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #8

- LAT: 49
- LON: 86
Returning to the Castle Area of Sam’s Garden will let you unlock the eighth HLNA Explorer Note. It will be on top of the large metal structure at the coordinate above.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #9

- LAT: 59
- LON: 82
The ninth explorer note can be found at 59 Latitude and 82 Longitude. It can be unlocked by approaching the bush with the purple flowers in the area.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #10

- LAT: 33
- LON: 87
Note 10 can be found in the S.U.M.P area of Sam’s Garden. It will trigger right as you approach the cliff at the above coordinates.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #11

- LAT: 46
- LON: 52
In the Bridge Area between Rockwell’s Garden and Sam’s Garden, you will find the next HLNA Explorer Note. The coordinates are mentioned above.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #12

- LAT: 46
- LON: 41
The next explorer note is in the same area as the previous one. You’ll need to move slightly to your right to trigger it.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #13

- LAT: 41
- LON: 15
In the Barren Wetlands of Rockwell’s Garden, you can find the next HLNA Explorer Note. It will trigger as you approach a couple of plants in the area.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #14

- LON: 51
- LON: 37
In the Boros Sector of Rockwell’s Garden, you’ll find the 14th Explorer Note. Walk to the cliff’s edge at the coordinates above to unlock it.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #15

- LAT: 59
- LON: 36
For the next HLNA Explorer Note, go to Afflicted Clearing in Rockwell’s Garden at the coordinates described above.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #16

- LAT: 51
- LON: 37
This note is found in the same location as note #14. You may need to move around a little to ensure both notes unlock.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #17

- LAT: 41
- LON: 15
Make your way to the Rockwell’s Innards. Here, at 41 Latitude and 15 Longitude, you’ll get the seventeenth Explorer Note in Genesis: Part 2.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #18

- LAT: 58
- LON: 27
Continuing into Rockwell’s Innards, you’ll find the next HLNA Explorer Note in Ark: Genesis 2. It’ll be at 58 Latitude and 27 Longitude.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #19

- LAT: 61
- LON: 25
This note is also found within Rockwell’s Innards. Make sure to go to the coordinates described above to unlock it.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #20

- LAT: 62
- LON: 25
You’ll find the next note in the same area as the previous one. Ensure you thoroughly explore both coordinates to unlock this and the previous note.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #21

- LAT: 60
- LON: 25
The HLNA Explorer Note is found near the same coordinates as the previous two notes, but this time, it’ll be on the surface, particularly on a narrow cliff at 60 Latitude and 25 Longitude.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #22

- LAT: 46
- LON: 27
The twenty-second Explorer Note is found near the Boros Sector. It’ll be right along the river’s shore at the coordinates described above.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #23

- LAT: 56
- LON: 28
Proceeding north will let you unlock the next HLNA Explorer Note. You’ll once again have to enter Rockwell’s Innards for this one.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #24

- LAT: 58
- LON: 27
Explorer Note #24 is once again found in Rockwell’s Innards. Go to the coordinates described above to unlock it.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #25

- LAT: 61
- LON: 26
Returning to where we found HLNA Explorer Note #19, you’ll also find the next one right here. It will be unlocked once you pass some spiky green growths in Rockwell’s Innards.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #26

- LAT: 64
- LON: 28
At 64 Latitude and 28 Longitude, you’ll find the next HLNA Explorer Note. This one is also located in Rockwell’s Innards.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #27

- LAT: 62
- LON: 26
Within the same general area as the previous one, you’ll find the next HLNA Explorer Note. Once again, it will be found in Rockwell’s Innards.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #28

- LAT: 64
- LON: 25
The 28th HLNA Explorer Note is also found close to the previous two notes in Ark: Genesis Part 2.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #29

- LAT: 46
- LON: 85
In Sam’s Garden, you can find the next HLNA Explorer Note near the Castle area. It will trigger right as you approach the Castle.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #30

- LAT: 43
- LON: 42
In the Space Biome, particularly at 43 Latitude and 42 Longitude, you’ll find the 30th HLNA Explorer Note.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #31

Location: Boss Arena
The next three HLNA Explorer Notes, including this one, are in the Boss Arena. You’ll need to trigger the Terminus mission to reach this area. The first of the three notes found in this area is located right near the final battle entrance.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #32

Location: Boss Arena
Before you begin the final battle, you’ll find yourself in an area with two consoles. Both of these consoles contain one note each. The Console on the left contains Explorer Note #32.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #33

Location: Boss Arena
The Console on the right contains Explorer Note #33.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #34 (Mutagen)

For the thirty-fourth HLNA Explorer Note, you’ll need to locate and harvest a Mutagen Node. These nodes are most commonly found in Rockwell’s Garden.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #35 (Plant Species R)

Unlocking this node works similarly to the previous one; you must find and harvest a second Mutagen Node.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #36 (Hoversail)

For the next four HLNA Explorer Notes, you’ll need to craft certain items using the Tek Replicator. The first item you need to craft is a Hoversail using Tek Replicator. This item unlocks at level 112.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #37 (Tek Bow)

The next item you need to craft is a Tek Bow. Similar to the previous note, you need to use a Tek Replicator.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #38 (Tek Crop Plot)

Next, you must craft a Tek Crop Plot. Once again, use a Tek Replicator.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #39 (Tek Pistol)

The second to last item you must craft to complete your HLNA Explorer Note collection is a Tek Pistol using the Tek Replicator.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #40 (Exo-Mek)

Finally, you must craft an Exo-Mek to unlock the fortieth HLNA Explorer Note in Ark: Genesis Part 2.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #41 (Maewing)

You will need to tame a few dinos for the last few explorer notes. The first dino you need to tame is a Maewing. They are most commonly found on the upper right side of the entire map.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #42 (Shadowmane)

Next, you’ll need to tame a Shadowmane. You can find these creatures in the map’s lower Rockwell’s Garden portion.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #43 (Tek Stryder)

For the next HLNA Explorer Note, you’ll need to tame a Tek Stryder. Tek Stryders are abundant throughout Sam’s Garden. (the right side of the map)
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #44 (Astrodelphis)

To get this HLNA Explorer Note, you need to tame an Astrodelphis, a dino found in the space biome of Ark: Genesis Part 2.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #45 (Voidwyrm)

Taming a Voidwyrm will earn you the second last HLNA Explorer Note. Voidwyrms are also most commonly found in the space biome, flying amongst the asteroids.
Genesis: Part 2 HLNA Explorer Note Location #46 (Noglin)

For the last explorer note, you only have to tame a Noglin. Noglins are mainly found in the Rockwell Zone.
HLNA Notes Not Triggering
If you encounter a situation where the HLNA notes in Ark: Genesis Part 2 do not trigger, you can try a couple of fixes. Since notes are triggered by going to certain areas, thoroughly explore the coordinates we’ve described above. Try taking a few steps back, forward, and a few steps to the side to ensure you trigger the notes.
Additionally, you can try going into your settings and pressing the ‘Reset Cinematics and Cosmetic Items” option to see if that fixes the problem.