The Gacha is a dino added in the Ark Extinction update that you can also tame. Gacha seldom becomes aggressive since there aren’t many causes for it, but as with all creatures, taming this beast requires some work.
In this guide, we will go over the location of the Gacha in Ark Extinction and cover how you can tame this beast. Without wasting any more time, let’s get into it.
Ark Extinction Gacha Location

Gacha often forages for food in the thick jungle. In the UnderForest, the innermost part of the Crater Forest, the Gacha wanders around, sometimes scratching at rocks, trees, and shrubs before settling down and eating. The general spawn map for Gacha for Ark Extinction is given above.
How to Tame a Gacha?

Gachas are large and muscular and have decent stamina, but regrettably, they move slowly while sprinting and strolling. Their spine has crystalline growths, giving the impression of a gigantic sloth.
Gacha is temperamentally calm and, therefore, only strikes if threatened. Executing a Gacha is unnecessary because the materials it drops are typically inferior to the items in the crystals it produces while it is tamed.
However, the most effective way to eliminate a Gacha is either on an airborne animal that fires a destructive projectile or on an animal that causes a lot of damage and/or has a lot of HP.
Using a ranged weapon is suggested while trying to eliminate a Gacha while walking. Assault rifles and modified sniper rifles are useful as long as there is adequate space between yourself and the Gacha for them to be unable to touch you. If it somehow manages to reach you, one of 2 things will happen. Either you will suffer a terrible end or manage to outsmart it and flee.

Only a pleased Gacha that hasn’t lately been around other Gachas can be fed. Unhappy Gachas will ignore you. It will quickly consume everything that you throw out of your inventory.
The speed of taming increases with the number of items you drop. The level of Gacha gets higher with the rarity of the dropped resource while influencing the taming effectiveness.
Items needed for taming
Although Gacha eat almost everything, you can use the following items to tame a Gacha effectively:
- Snow Owl Pellet
- Metal Ore
- Stone
- Berries
- Meat
- Crafted Walls and Foundations
You must plan the drop for the object to fall into the Gacha’s pathway. You can toss a pile since the Gacha will take the entire pile and keep eating them till it is tamed or runs out of the commodity. While traveling a long road ahead, keep an eye on their food gauge and actively refill it.
With no affinity, feeding tributes and other useless commodities like oil will significantly reduce taming efficiency. Upon taming, the beast receives buffs for various statistics based on the effectiveness of taming.
Although Gacha children have had resource harvesting turned on since birth, it is deactivated by design when a creature is tamed.
In addition, it may transform a meal of leftovers into a pile of priceless materials. Gacha produces sparkling crystals on its spine rather than making feces.
The crystals drop off after they are fully grown. Since Gacha can transform the things it consumes into something altogether new, breaking these crystals can produce valuable resources.
Gacha Production List
The Gacha is a unique dino that produces one of several resources you can harvest directly from its inventory. The resources the Gacha produces are randomized so it’s always a good idea to have several of these creatures tamed. Below, we’ve given all the possible items and resources the Gacha can produce:
- Corrupted Wood
- Fiber
- Flint
- Fragmented Green Gem
- Fungal Wood
- Raw Salt
- Sand
- Stone
- Thatch
- Blue Crystalized Sap
- Clay
- Congealed Gas Ball
- Crystal
- Oil
- Silica Pearls
- Silk
- Black Pearls
- Metal
- Obsidian
- Organic Polymer
- Red Crystalized Sap
- Sap
- Sulfur
- Element Dust