Alice Madness Returns Rose Paint Jars Guide – How to Collect All Jars

Find all the Rose Paint Jars in Alice Madness Returns story mode across all playable chapters for the completion trophy/achievement

If you want to earn Shooting the Moon achievement or trophy in Alice Madness Returns, you will need to collect all four Rose Paint Jars in the game. If you somehow can’t find these, you can refer to the guide below.

Alice Madness Returns Rose Paint Jars Locations Guide

Below is a list and useful tips on how to get all the jars from each chapter in Alice Madness Returns.

Chapter 2 – Tundraful

Rose Paint Jar #1
Location: Answer one question correctly in the first Radula Room in the yellow shell inside the weak ice in Chapter 2 – Tundraful. You will obtain Rose Paint Jar #1 as a reward.

Chapter 2 – Tundraful

Radula Room #1
Location: Use the mushroom and then go forward. You have to jump down and when you reach the iceberg, turn right. Cheshire Cat will ask you a few questions with multiple choices. To complete it successfully, you need to answer one question correctly.

Chapter 2 – BarrelBottom

Radula Room #2
Location: Can you survive the passage of time? keep running around in a circle to complete the trial. You will be rewarded with a Rose Paint Jar when you complete this trial.

Chapter 2 – Choral Coral

Radula Room #3
Location: Inside the Radula room you will be asked to play the pirate-ship mini-game. When you successfully do that, you will be rewarded with Rose Paint Jar.

Chapter 2 – BarrelBottom Revisited

Radula Room #4
Location: Kill or be Killed trial which you have to defeat Menacing Ruins and Eyepots. You will be reaching a platform where you have to fight two chefs and some food.

They will be attacking you persistently and worse, all of them will be coming for you together. It will take some time and effort before you manage to kill them. When you successfully complete it, you be rewarded with Rose Paint Jar.

You can follow our Radula Rooms Guide if you want to get all the Rose Paint Jars. Successfully completing the trials of each Radula Room will reward you with a Paint Jar.

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Zawad Iftikhar is the founder of, an FPS enthusiast and a Call of Duty veteran, having participated multiple eSports competition.