Alpha Leedsichthys is the Alpha version of a Leedsichthys in Ark: Survival Ascended. Like all Alpha creatures, the Alpha Leedsichthys possess higher stats, including increased health, weight, and damage. Taking out this creature is no easy task, nor is finding it.
It is found in 7 main regions in Ark Survival Ascended. You will need a mount that can move in aquatic regions to take it down.
How to kill Alpha Leedsichthys?

Leedsichthys are aquatic dinosaurs, and like most aquatic creatures, the best way to deal with them is to use a mount. Basilosaurus excels at being a good mount and works well to suppress most aquatic dinos, including the Alpha Leedsichthys. The best weapons to use against these creatures are Tek weapons.
You can easily get up close to the Alpha Leedsichthys without worrying about your health because its melee damage is fairly low. Get close, use Tek Weapons, and use some Megladons to deal extra damage for good measure, and you should be able to take down this creature in no time.
Can you tame Alpha Leedsichthys?
Like all other Alpha creatures, Alpha Leedsichthys can not be tamed. They can only be hunted and used for the items they drop, including Fish Meat and Alpha Leedsichthys Blubber.
Alpha Leedsichthys Drops
Upon defeating an Alpha Leedsichthys, they’ll drop several items. Below, we’ve listed them all, along with their spawn commands.
Item | Spawn Command |
Hide | cheat giveitemnum 10 1 0 0 |
Raw Fish Meat | cheat gfi RawMeat_Fish 1 0 0 |
Raw Prime Fish Meat | cheat giveitem “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_RawPrimeMeat_Fish.PrimalItemConsumable_RawPrimeMeat_Fish'” 1 0 0 |
Alpha Leedsichthys Blubber | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaLeeds 1 0 0 |
Captain’s Hat Skin | cheat giveitem “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Skin/PrimalItemSkin_CaptainsHat.PrimalItemSkin_CaptainsHat'” 1 0 0 |
Alpha Leedsichthys Stats
The standard and Wild Alpha Leedsichthys possess the following stats:
Attribute | Standard Alpha Leedsichthys | Wild Alpha Leedsichthys |
Health | 4400 | 4928 |
Stamina | 500 | 550 |
Food | 8000 | 8800 |
Weight | 1800 | 1836 |
Melee Damage | 160 | |
Movement Speed | 100% | |
Torpidity | 4500 | 4770 |
Ark Survival Ascended Alpha Leedsichthys Locations
The Island Alpha Leedsichthys Location

On the Island, the Alpha Leedsichthys can be found anywhere there is water. The best place to look for this creature is the long stretch of sea to the west of the map, the area above Whitesky Peak, and just below the Southern Islets.
Ark: The Center Alpha Leedsichthys Location

In the Center, the waters surrounding the Lava biome are a great place to look for Alpha Leedsichthys. The body of water below the Southern Jungle area is equally good. You can also look in the water around the Center and the area west of Redwood Forests.
Alpha Leedsichthys Location on Ark: Valgeuro

You can easily find Alpha Leedsichthys in the water body between the Beach and Boreal Forest area on Ark: Valgeuro. You can also find some in the water across from the Chalk Hills.
Genesis: Part 1 Alpha Leedsichthys Location

On Genesis: Part 1, you’ll only find Alpha Leedsichthys in the western region of the Open Water area.
Ark: Crystal Isles Alpha Leedsichthys Location

On the Crystal Isles map, the entire western waters have the potential to spawn an Alpha Leedsichthys.
Alpha Leedsichthys Locations in Genesis: Part 2

In Genesis: Part 2, Alpha Leedsichthys is found in the water body near the S.U.M.P area.
Ark: Lost Island Alpha Leedsichthys Locations

Lastly, on Ark: The Lost Island, all areas of the map that contain water will have an Alpha Leedsichthys. The area north of Bright Lion Beach and northeast of Kortez Coast, in particular, are the best areas to go.
Alpha Leedsichthys Spawn Command
If you’re having trouble finding an Alpha Leedsichthys, you can use a spawn command to summon it. To do this, first open the console command box by pressing TAB. If you’re playing on PlayStation, you must simultaneously hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle. Similarly, on Xbox, hold down LB, RB, X, and Y at once.
Once the console opens, simply type in: “cheat summon Alpha_Leedsichthys_Character_BP_C” and press enter.