Microsoft “The Initiative” is the company’s new addition to their first-party studios, to expand their capabilities. Now, the studio Head,
The news comes from ResetEra, where user CrimsonEclipse captured a screenshot of Darrell’s tweet that contained the link to the original Linkedin post announcing the new additions to Microsoft “The Initiative”. The post was later removed but what is seen on the internet stays on the internet. Here’s what Gallagher said in the Linkedin post:
I’m really excited to add to the team at the Initiative. We have had an incredibly positive response from the development community after out E3 announcement and I’m pleased to share some of the talented people already on the team:
Brian Westergaard
Annie Lohr
Christian Cantamessa
Blake Fischer
Dianel Neuburger
Lindsey McQueeney
We have new opportunities for an Art Director and a Technical Director. If you are looking to make a big impact in a brand new studio we’d love to hear from you.

What’s interesting about Gallagher’s post is the cast of names provided. Brian Westergaard was the Lead Producer for this year’s record-breaking PS4 exclusive, God of War whereas Christian Cantamessa was a writer for the original Red Dead Redemption. Daniel Neuburger & Lindsey McQueeney come from Crystal Dynamics, they have previously worked on Tomb Raider games. Annie Lohr was a recruiter at Respawn Entertainment and Blake Fischer, Senior Director of Portfolio Planning for Microsoft.
As you can see for yourself, Microsoft “The Initiative” is taking a huge leap of faith with their new recruitments. With such a strong cast of additions to its dynamic we can’t help but think that when a new project announcement is made, it will be something huge for Microsoft at large. What do you think?