“You’ll Pay $60 and You’ll Get Everything I Can Possibly Give,” Cory Barlog

Cory Barlog the creative director of the game discussed the upcoming game and how it is whole experience giving you everything they can for the $60 price tag.

In a recently published article on PlayStation Blog, Cory Barlog the creative director of God Of War, discussed the upcoming game and how it is a totally new experience filled content.

Barlog said

“I have always had this overdelivery complex,”

“I keep obsessively adding things, making the game bigger and better, because I can’t leave anything on the table. I want to give the whole experience. You’ll pay $60? You’ll get everything I can possibly give.”

Before this new God Of War PS4, the best game considered in the series was God Of War 2, the second installment in the series with everything better and more thrilling than the first game. New God Of War is also made by Cory Barlog who brought more mechanics, weapons, puzzles, blood and amount of bosses to the second God Of War game.

This increase in every aspect of the game was seen until the God Of War 3 so the latest God Of War will be no different Cory Barlog says. The upcoming God Of War will be overdelivering in every aspect of the game.

After this statement we are sure things won’t be saved or held back for a release later in downloadable contents or microtransactions as the game will give us a whole experience right as we play it on launch.

The Game is quite long and according to Cory Barlog will take you around 30 hours to finish it, you won’t even want to finish it, to be honest. Some players who got their hand on the game early are saying that it takes up to 19 hours of long play to finish it without doing side quests or mini-bosses.

God Of War pre-loading has begun today so you can turn on your PS4 system and download the game today so nothing can stop you from playing the biggest and the best God Of War game yet on 20 April.

Veteran Gamer, Trophy Hunter, And a Youtuber.