", "uploadDate": "2015-12-07T12:10:19+00:00" }

New Uncharted 4 Trailer Focuses on Sully, More Details on Nadine Ross Arrive

Uncharted 4’s latest trailer is released by developer Naughty Dog. The footage mainly focuses on a new character in the series named Nadine Ross, and our very own Victor Sullivan.

You have to agree, Sully cleans up good which seems to be one of the reasons Nadine is flirting. The most impressive thing in the footage are the facial expressions of every single character, it really gets to show just how hard ND has worked on the game.

While we all know who sully is, Nadine Ross is a mystery to us. However, some details about her are available that give us an insight into her personality and what her role may possibly be.

Nadine Ross owns a private military, which isn’t a good sign for Nathan Drake. Her army is called “Shoreline” which suggests that it operates as dockyard security or protects cargo ships. Shoreline was started by her father, name unknown, and she has a very calm but dangerous vibe to her.

Presumably, she is looking for the same thing as Drake, meaning at some point we will be face to face with Shoreline. Of course, Nadine was seen kicking Drake’s ass in a different trailer from The Game Awards 2015.

Nadine Ross is voiced by Laura Baily and for some reason publications are trying to turn it into a controversy. It is being said that colored people are under represented in voice acting, and Bailey shouldn’t have been playing a black character.

I choose to see this in a positive way, a white person playing a colored character shows how strong this medium is. People are chosen based on their performance, not color.

Naughty Dog should be appreciated for this.

Anyways, Uncharted 4 will release in March 2016 for PlayStation 4.

Sarmad is our Senior Editor, and is also one of the more refined and cultured among us. He's 25, a finance major, and having the time of his life writing about videogames.