It turns out yesterday’s tease was not about Warcraft 4. Riqiang made yet another post on his official Weibo saying “it’s not Warcraft 4. Don’t even think of it. How is it possible that it got leaked from us.”
In light of this new update, the only other possible answer left is Warcraft 3 HD. However, just like yesterday, even this is based on speculation which should not be taken for granted unless officially confirmed by the developers.

What a news to start the day!
We know that all of you Warcraft fans are not done with playing what you already have, but wouldn’t you jump with joy if Warcraft 4 was coming?
Apparently, the official Weibo account of the Warcraft series has something to say on the matter as they recently posted a cryptic two liner on their account reading – “Dad, I am back!”

Of course the website, which is the country’s equivalent to Twitter, is in Chinese so the phrase above is a loose translation – but you get the message.
Now we understand that saying just that does not out a news as big as Warcraft 4, but the story doesn’t end there. You might know that Netease is the company that operates all things Blizzard in China, but what you surely don’t know is that Li Riqiang, the vice president of Netease has also teased something along the same lines.
A couple of hours ago he wrote, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…. One more (Dragon Ball) to summon Shenron.”

Wondering what on earth does that mean? Well, Blizzard has six main brands in the market and this is a very clear indication that the company is looking to launch yet another new game.
While it could be anything, the best guess at this point would be either Warcraft 4 or Warcraft 3 HD.
Before we could dig more into their Weibo, our account got suspended due to the whole location IP conflict, so that is all we have for you right now.