League of Legends Finally Gets SKT T1 Season 3 World Champion Skins

Riot Games has finally released SKT T1 Season 3 World Champion Skins in League of Legends but they are only available for limited time.

Riot Games is paying homage in their own way, to Sk Telecom T1 after their incredible run at the Season 3 Championship of League of Legends. The favorite champions of the legendary team are getting new skins, personalized after the team itself.

A new champion skin for Jax, Lee Sin, Vayne, Zed and Zyra is being introduced along with a new ward skin to celebrate their victory. The champion skins are 750 RP each while the ward skin is for 640 RP.

Getting the skins as the SKT Championship bundle entitles players to a 25% discount bringing the bundle price to 3292 RP (6513 RP if you need the champions as well) . The sale, however, is only from May 6th until May 20th.

After their complete domination throughout the Season 3 World Championship, SK Telecom T1 more commonly referred to as SKT T1 went on to win the Grand Finals with a score of 3-0. Winning a prize of $1,000,000 and taking home the title of Season 3 League of Legends World Champions.

Alongside these skins, the Taipei Assassin skins are also being moved out of the vault from May 7th till May 20th. Each skin will be priced at 750 RP while the bundle price would be 2812 RP.

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Ashar is the managing editor of SegmentNext.com. He enjoys all sorts of video games except those made by Nintendo. He thinks Fortnite is the only battle royale that should exist. He is a big fan ...