Shrines don’t just exist on the surface level of Hyrule in Zelda TotK. There are plenty of shrines on the Sky Islands and some of them require shrine quests to be completed before you can enter. One such shrine is the Taninoud shrine for which you need to complete The East Hebra Sky Crystal quest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Like other crystal quests, the objective for The East Hebra Sky Crystal shrine quest in Zelda TotK is simple, bring a green crystal to the Taninoud shrine to unlock it and claim your reward.
How to start The East Hebra Sky Crystal in Zelda TotK
You automatically get the shrine quest as soon as you interact with the entrance of Taninoud shrine. The shrine itself is found in the East Hebra Sky Archipelago. To get to the island with the shrine, you need to launch yourself from the Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower.
The tower is found in the Hebra Mountains region, on the Pikida Stonegrove, just east of the Hebra East Summit.

Once you gain control of Link in the air, you can directly glide to the island shown. The exact coordinates for the Taninoud Shrine are: -1800, 3405, 0948. The skyview tower will throw you a bit far away from the shrine. So make sure you have ample stamina or glide armor to reach the shrine safely.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom The East Hebra Sky Crystal walkthrough
The quest is to unlock the Taninoud Shrine so you can enter it. It requires you to bring a crystal to the shrine entrance itself.

From the Taninoud shrine, turn around and head to the left arm of the island. Here, you can find a floating platform and a large island just in front of you. Get on the platform, and set the fan lying on the platform to move it.
Your target is to get to the island in front of you, to the ledge on the opposite side of the island. The best way to do this is by going around the island from the right side.
You’d need to attach and reattach your fan multiple times to make sure you can control the direction of the platform. Plan a curved path around the island to get to the other side.

Here, drop to the ledge, and break or burn away the vines. Inside the cave, you can find the crystal that you need to bring back to the shrine itself. Inside the cave, you can find another platform, two batteries and a lot of fans. These will help you get back.
Attach the crystal to the new platform, and bring it outside. You want to set it up with the batteries and fans you find inside the cave so you can ride it back to the shrine island.
Getting the crystal back to the shrine is your choice, you can either go above the island or go around it, back the way you came. Either way, get the platform back to the island, making sure you can go far enough to drop the crystal on the island safely.
Once you get the crystal back to the island, the only thing left to do is to just carry it to the shrine, marking the end of The East Hebra Sky Crystal shrine quest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.