NBA 2K24 Dribbling Requirements Guide

Dribbling animations in NBA 2K24 range from normal to pro with each having their unique set of requirements. In this guide, we will help you unlock your favorite player's dribbling animation with ease to destroy your opponents on court.

Several new dribbling animation styles have been added to NBA 2K24. However, players interested in trying those dribble maneuvers need to keep some restrictive requirements in mind. While players can do the exact dribbling animation of their favorite players, the best dribbling styles are unlocked in Pro Styles, and you have to meet certain requirements.

In this guide, we will be discussing all the NBA 2K24 dribbling requirements for different animations. Like before, the game has 3 dribbling styles: basic, normal, and pro and every tier requires a different set of parameters you must meet. Without wasting any more time, let’s get into it.

How to dribble in NBA 2K24?

Before we get into the requirements for the different dribbling levels, it is important to understand how exactly dribbling works in the game. For the most basic dribble maneuver in NBA 2K24, you must flick the right stick on your controller left or right to pass the ball between your left and right hands.

You can also flick the right stick diagonally (from either the top right or left) to pass the ball across your legs. Furthermore, to pass the ball behind your back, you can flick the right stick either left or right and then quickly follow it up by pulling it down.

Basic dribbling requirements

Basic dribbling has no requirement in the game. You can do basic dribbling maneuvers at any speed and with any player. There is no height requirement either.

Normal dribbling requirements in NBA 2K24

In NBA 2K24, you can do normal-style dribbling with any player’s height. However, your speed with the ball must be a minimum of 40+, while the recommended is 60.

Pro dribbling requirements

Regarding pro dribbling in any NBA title, your speed with the ball matters a lot. As pro dribbling styles have unique veteran player animations, you have to meet the minimum height requirement in most cases.

For a pro dribbling style, your height must be under 6’5”, and your Speed with the ball must be at least 40+.

Here is a list of all pro dribbling styles with required attributes:

Dribbling AnimationSpeed with BallRequired height
Kobe Bryant88+<6’10”
Stephen Curry92+<6’5”
James Harden75+<6’10”
Kyrie Irving90+<6’5”
Magic Johnson75+<6’10”
Zach Lavine75+<6’10”
Damian Lillard90+<6’5”
Ja Morant85+<6’10”
Steve Nash83+<6’5”
John Stockton75+<6’5”
Trae Young92+<6’5”
Seimone Augustus40+<6’10”
Chelsea Gray40+<6’10”
Arike Ogunbowale40+<6’10”
Gabby Williams40+<6’10”

Ali Hasan is writer at with a deep love for immersive action role-playing games and well-crafted narratives. His weapons of choice include controllers and keyboards.