The Darkest Dungeon Board Game Is Now On Kickstarter

If you're a fan of Red Hook's Darkest Dungeon series and have been wanting a board game version of it,...

If you’re a fan of Red Hook’s Darkest Dungeon series and have been wanting a board game version of it, don’t worry, because Red Hook has your back. Just today the Darkest Dungeon board game went live on Kickstarter, and has already reached its funding goal on the first day.

Developed by Mythic Games, the board game originally had a $300,000 funding goal, and smashed that with $500,000 in less than an hour from over 400 backers. However, the work isn’t over, with various stretch goals (including a Musketeer figure, and a DLC campaign for the Crimson Court DLC) still needing to be reached.

Darkest Dungeon puts you in the role of an heir to a once-prominent noble family, where you must clear your ancestral estate of various horrors ranging from the mundane to the utterly maddening. The board game is similar, as players take on the role of four characters, dealing with enemies and the stresses of dungeon-delving.

The Darkest Dungeon board game will come with all of the game’s default classes, 32 dice for various functions, 12 room tiles, 16 hero boards, four skill boards, one Hamlet board, three main dashboards, over ten dungeon cards, and 400 tarot, poker, and mini euro cards for various functions, with 200 different tokens.

That’s not all that will be coming, either, as every stretch goal will allow more monsters, room types, and classes to be added to the game. There’s so many, in fact, that the game will be Kickstarter exclusive and not available for purchase in retail stores, so if you want one for yourself you might want to join in and contribute if you have enough friends to play.

If you do decide to contribute to the Darkest Dungeon board game Kickstarter, you can support it by following this link to the page and donating. The game is expected to ship to backers in late 2021.

Hunter is senior news writer at He is a long time fan of strategy, RPG, and tabletop games. When he is not playing games, he likes to write about them.