Remnant 2 Forbidden Grove Harp Puzzle Guide 

The Forbidden Grave Harp is one of the non-randomized puzzles in Remnant 2. Here's what you do.

Located in the Forbidden Grove, the Harp puzzle is one of the most frustrating puzzles to solve in Remnant 2. The puzzle will spawn no matter what and isn’t affected by the randomly generated nature of the game. As the name suggests, this is a musical puzzle where you have to play a tune.

In this guide, we’ll go over how you can solve the Harp Puzzle solution in Remnant 2, including the rewards you receive. Additionally, we’ll also be going over how you can unlock the ‘Carnage in C-Minor’ trophy here.  

Harp Puzzle Location in Remnant 2 

The Harp Water Puzzle is found in the Yaesha world of Remnant 2, particularly its Forbidden Grove section. Before you begin solving the puzzle, it is important to note that this puzzle won’t work unless you’ve progressed to the main storyline, which explicitly requires you to solve this puzzle.  

The map above will give you a general understanding of where you must go, but this puzzle is encountered after you unlock the temple and defeat the optional boss, Kaeula’s Shadow.  

The Forbidden Grove Harp puzzle solution in Remnant 2

You must power the puzzle before you can start solving it. This can be done by pulling a lever to activate the gear mechanism that powers the Harp. This lever is located on the opposite side of that checkpoint room. Follow the blue path to reach the lever.

The map location of the Forbidden Grove music puzzle box in Remnant 2.

You need to take the stairs to get there. The Lever is in the middle of the room. After interacting with it, the gear in the room will start spinning, and you will be able to solve the Harp Puzzle in the Forbidden Grove of Remnant 2.

After pulling the lever, return to the Harp room. Besides the entrance, you will find a book that contains the clue for solving the puzzle.

The symbols on the left page correspond to the pins you must pull on the Harp. They also specify the correct spacing of the pins to play the correct tones.

To solve this harp puzzle in the Forbidden Grove, notice that the music box contains five columns of pins on a rotating drum in Remnant 2.

You need to pull the correct pins in each column with appropriate spacing to solve this puzzle. It might seem intimidating to decode the musical symbols in the book, but don’t worry, as the puzzle is the same for everyone, we have decoded them for you.

The right notes to complete the Forbidden Grove music puzzle in Remnant 2.

The code for the puzzle is 5-0-4-3-4-1-0. If you pull all the pins correctly, a Flute song will play after pulling the lever. If you happen to pull the wrong pin, the song will play till the correct pin’s part.
This will raise the bridge before you and lead you into the Ravager boss fight in Remnant 2. 

After solving the puzzle, you can unlock the Carnage in C-Minor achievement/trophy by playing a secret song on the Harp. The code for the secret song is 1-4-0-2-5-0-3-0. Once you enter it, a different song to the main puzzle solution will play, and the trophy/achievement will unlock.  

Thanks to a recent update, you can make tunes on the Water Harp.  

After solving the puzzle, head straight back, and a pillar will emerge from a round indentation on the floor. In it, you’ll find the bolt driver handgun. This weapon deals 26 base damage with 7.4 rounds per second. It has a magazine capacity 24 with both a modification slot and a mutator slot.

Harp Puzzle not Working fix in Remnant 2

If you find yourself in a situation where the Harp Puzzle does not work, you likely forgot to activate the lever. You can fix this problem by heading back to the room with the lever. Once at the location, pull down the lever, and you should be good to go.

Muaz is a veteran in Counter-Strike and a sucker for the Souls-Borne genre. He is a guides writer on SegmentNext and continues to write about his favorite video games.