Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Collectibles Locations Guide

In this Psychonauts 2 guide, we will tell you the location of each and every collectible you can collect in the Green Needle Gulch.

The cozy original colony of the Psychonauts, Green Needle Gulch, has a many collectibles waiting to be found! In this Psychonauts 2 guide, we will tell you the location of each and every collectible you can collect in the Green Needle Gulch.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Collectibles Locations

The collectibles at Green Needle Gulch feature 27 PSI Challenge Cards, 4 PSI Challenge Markers,2 Supply Chests and 2 supply Chest Keys.

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PSI Challenge Cards in Green Needle Gulch

PSI Challenge Cards level up Raz’s intern rank. Collect nine cards and combine them plus a PSI core from the Otto Mattic and Raz will level up! So, let’s look at the location of all 27 of these cards.

PSI Challenge Card Location  #1

Ride the log slide down and look towards your right, near another log

PSI Challenge Card Location #2

Also, near the log slide, you’ll see one on a tight rope. It is pretty easy to locate.

PSI Challenge Card Location #3

This one is also on a tight rope, but on the left side of the log slide.

PSI Challenge Card Location #4

You will find it on the top of a house near the Heptadome. You can climb through up ladder and after that go from the balcony to get to the top of the house.

PSI Challenge Card Location #5

Right between the Heptadome and house, you will find this PSI card on a rail slide.

PSI Challenge Card Location #6   

You will find this on a yellow cushion at the Heptadome.

PSI Challenge Card Location #7   

This one can also be found on a yellow cushion at the Heptadome right next to the previous pillow.

PSI Challenge Card Location #8   

The circular yellow cushion next to them you will find the next PSI card.

PSI Challenge Card Location #9   

You will find this PSI Card right behind the vine which is outside the Heptadome.

PSI Challenge Card Location #10 

To the left side of exploding plants, you will find this card on a hill outside the Heptadome.

PSI Challenge Card Location #11 

On your way to animal pens, you will find this PSI card in the way.

PSI Challenge Card Location #12 

At the animal pens, climb the wooden roof and you will find this PSI card.

PSI Challenge Card Location #13 

For this card, you have to swing across with the big log since it can be found on a platform above animal pens.

PSI Challenge Card Location #14 

From the location of card 13 use the net and climb up for getting this card.

PSI Challenge Card Location #15 

This one can be found at the animal pens right next to the rail slide.

PSI Challenge Card Location #16 

You will find this PSI Card right next to the base of a large Vine close to the previous card location.

PSI Challenge Card Location #17 

Now from the location of the last Card, you can find the next card right above on the 1rst thorn of the vine.

PSI Challenge Card Location #18 

Climb further up on the vine and look towards the trapeze on the right side and use it to swing across in the balcony. You will find this card on a balcony right there.

PSI Challenge Card Location #19 

On the top of the same vine tree, you will find this card on a leaf.

PSI Challenge Card Location #20 

You will find a PSI card close to Helmut’s van.

PSI Challenge Card Location #21 

From the location of the previous card climb up the van using the pole and you will find it on a rope.

PSI Challenge Card Location #22 

Before going on a path towards Cassie’s house you will find it in the destroyed treehouse. The card is on the chimney, you can reach it using the vines on the tree.

PSI Challenge Card Location #23 

On the top of the same treehouse use the Thought Tuner Gadget to find a path via mental connections. After that, you can go down on the platform and you will find the card on it as well.

PSI Challenge Card Location #24 

Now right next to the bee smoker you will find this PSI Card.

PSI Challenge Card Location #25 

From the Tree Smoker go towards the left and you will find it right behind a tree there.

PSI Challenge Card Location #26 

Jump to the broken tower when you are going towards Cassie’s house and go on the path down to find the Card.

PSI Challenge Card Location #27 

Go in Cassie’s house and you will find this on the groove right in front of the banister after going on the top of the stairs.

PSI Challenge Markers in Green Needle Gulch

Collecting these markers will level up Raz instantly but they are very rare. You will only find four of these in Green Needle Gulch.

PSI Marker Location #1

For this, you also have to use the Thought tuner on the bridge to reveal a path to collect it from a hollow log close to the first house.

PSI Marker Location #2

Right next to a large vine you will find this inside the Psychoisolation Chamber.

PSI Marker Location #3

Close the way to Cassie’s house we go to the outhouse and use the projection on the door to open it. Go inside and collect the Marker.

PSI Marker Location #4

On the top of the broken treehouse, get to the roof and then use the Thought Tuner for another path, so you can collect this marker.

Supply Chests in Green Needle Gulch

You will find these chests in the hub world, and they have Psitanium in them. But you will need a Supply Chest key to open these chests. You will find just 2 Supply Chests in Green Needle Gulch.

Supply Chest Location #1

Before some netting, you will find this close to the animal pens on a platform.

Supply Chest Location #2

For this, you have to use the projection on Cassie’s Door to unlock and collect it.

Supply Chest Keys in Green Needle Gulch

These are the keys that can be used to open the Supply Chest. They are in the same numbers as the Supply Chests. In Green Needle Gulch you will two of them.

Supply Chest Key Location #1

On the location of the PSI card on a large pine tree from where you use the trapeze to reach the next platform. You will find this key there as well.

Supply Chest Key Location #2

Close to the Animal pens you have to use the Clairvoyance on the beaver and will find this key.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.