Ark Fjordur Ferox Location and Taming

In this guide, we will show you the location where you can find Ferox on the Ark Fjordur map and how to tame it.

Ferox are shapeshifting creatures that return in Ark Fjordur. Finding this creature is simple as it approaches you and demands to be fed elements. Element is the only thing required to tame this creature, and once fed, the creature turns dangerously aggressive.

If you don’t intend to tame this creature, we recommend running away quickly and losing it. Because it might mutate and get aggressive if it is not fed in Ark Fjordur.

How to Tame a Ferox?

To tame a Ferox, simply find the creature in the Ice Cave, walk close to it, and feed it element. After having the element, the creature will get aggressive, and this is when you must grapple to the ceiling to get away from its reach.

Give the Ferox some time until it transforms back to its miniature version, but keep track of where it goes because sometimes it jumps into the water. Once the creature turns into its baby version, just get close to it so it can follow you. Feed it element again and grapple away again. You will need to repeat this process a couple times until it’s tamed.

Ark Fjordur Ferox Spawn Location

You can find Ferox in a cave on the ice mountain at the top left corner of the map. There is a big, pointy rock on top of the cave. The cave is located at 21.8 Latitude and 07.0 Longitude.


This is the only location where Ferox exist on the Fjordur map.

Ferox Stats in Ark Fjordur

Ferox possesses the following stats in Ark Fjordur:

StatsBase ValueWild Value
Melee Damage55.25
Movement Speed100%

How to Breed Ferox in Ark Fjordur

To breed the Ferox, you need to feed element to the female Ferox till she is 100% addicted, then wait for her to go back to her miniature form. Once the female turns into a baby, set the pair’s behavior status to enable mating.

After the taming bar ends, the gestation period will start, and once it ends she will drop baby Ferox.

Ferox Spawn Command

If you’re finding it hard to locate Ferox in Ark Fjordur, open up the console command box by pressing TAB; if you’re playing on a PC, if you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1R1Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down, LBRBX, and Y at once. After the console opens, type “admincheat Summon Shapeshifter_Small_Character_BP_C” and press enter.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.