PS4 Getting New Game Called Bound? Trademark Registered

Sony has filed a trademark for a videogame called Bound which we think is going to be released for PS4.

First things first, this is not official so don’t make up your minds yet. That being said, a new trademark has been registered by Sony Computer Entertainment America for something called “Bound” which we think is going to be a PS4 game.

The trademark, was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) a week ago, October 23, 2015 to be precise, and it is also listed on their official website now.

What makes us think that this is a new videogame is the category selected by Sony Computer Entertainment America; as you can see in the screengrab below, it is filed under the “goods and services” category, and refers specifically to “computer game software” and “video game software.”

So far we have not heard of anything in relation to a project called Bound, but it appears to be a PS4 title since Sony’s larger focus for new IPs is around their latest console and not PS3 or PS Vita.

That being said, a wild guess suggests that it might turn out to be a videogame adaptation of The Wachowskis’ film which was released with the same title.

We will, of course, have to wait for Sony Computer Entertainment America to reveal something officially before actually starting to wait for a game called Bound.”

Check back with us later, if something pops up we will be updating you on this.

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Sarmad is our Senior Editor, and is also one of the more refined and cultured among us. He's 25, a finance major, and having the time of his life writing about videogames.