Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Shadow Puzzle Solution

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy's most challenging puzzle, the Shadow Puzzle, can be discovered in Chapter 5's Shadow Theatre. In this...

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy’s most challenging puzzle, the Shadow Puzzle, can be discovered in Chapter 5’s Shadow Theatre. In this Uncharted: The Lost Legacy guide, we will discuss in detail the shadow theater puzzle and how players can solve it without getting into much hassle.

In this puzzle, players must make shadows on two walls that correspond to the paintings. The puzzle must be solved in under 10 moves to unlock the Shadow Theater trophy/achievement.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Shadow Puzzle Solution

The task for the Shadow Theater puzzle in UC Lost Legacy is to move the objects in order to for their shadow to match the two paintings. All 12 mechanisms are used to push the object located in front.

Position yourself according to the image below and then you can see the exit door straight back in between the two walls, reference those numbers and here’s how to solve the puzzle.

how to solve shadow puzzle in uncharted the lost legacy

  • First of all, go to switch 9. Hitting this switch will push those two objects as far as they can go.
  • After this hit switch 12. This will slide both back that way.
  • Then hit switch 2. This will push those two back to the sliding box puzzle.
  • Afterward hit Switch 9 once again.
  • After this go to switch number 4.
  • After 4, is the turn of switch 6.
  • Go to switch 1 and activate that
  • Finally, go to switch 8. This is our last move.

Thus, this is how you can complete the puzzle in 8 moves and unlock the Shadow Theater trophy in UC Lost Legacy

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...