The Division 2 Warlords of New York Paul Rhodes Comms Collectibles Guide

Learn what Paul Rhodes has been upto since the first game with the new The Division 2 comms collectibles added in WoNY expansion

Comms are a type of Collectibles in The Division 2. In the Warlords of New York expansion pack, collectible comms of some new characters have been released. In this guide, we will list all The Division 2 Warlords of New York Paul Rhodes Comms Collectibles and their locations.

The Division 2 Warlords of New York Paul Rhodes Comms Collectibles

Below are all the comms collectibles scattered across Lower Manhattan that shed light over Paul Rhodes in Warlords of New York.

#1: Everyone’s Got a Role
This comm can be found in a construction site in the Civic Center area. After reaching the construction site, head near the wall and climb it and move ahead to the upper platform.  The comm will be on top of some barrels.

Paul Rhodes Comms

#2: Something New
This comm can be found in the Two Bridges area. Head near the truck and climb on the building using the truck. The comm will be on the corner of the terrace on a box.

#3: You can’t Fire me, I Quit
Head to the area from the picture below. After reaching the area, look for a small white table near the right side of the building. The comm will be on the table.

#4: Rikers Outside
This comm is in the area on the right side of mudflats in the Financial District. The comm is located on a building roof.

To get through there, first, break the locked door by shooting at it and then make your way to the comm through the building.

#5: Get Lost
This comm is near the control center in Financial district. In the broken building, the comm will be present on a table near the window.

comms collectibles locations

#6: Aftermath Assessment
This comm is present in the Battery Park district area. It will be present on a piece of wreckage on the ground.

#7: Storm Preparations
This comm is present in the Battery Park area. Look around for it between a fence and a bench in the area.

Paul Rhodes Comms

#8: Storm Brewing
In the Battery Park area, there is a burnt restaurant building. Head inside it to find it on the right side near the entrance.

#9: Room for Improvement
This comm is present in an old cinema building in the Battery Park area. It is present on the counter inside the building.

#10: Take Responsibility
This comm is present outside a closed shop in the Battery Park area.

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