The Cycle: Frontier Titan Ore Locations

Titan Ores are one of the most useful items in The Cycle: Frontier. You might have come across them while...

Titan Ores are one of the most useful items in The Cycle: Frontier. You might have come across them while playing the game. If you want to know what they are used for and where you can find them, you’ve come to the right place.

Titan Ores are a rare ore that can be used to craft many useful items in the game including, but not limited to, Backpacks and Converters. You can also use these ores to print different items in the game.

This item has a total weight of 3 per unit, and you can stack a total of 10 of them. They also fetch a total of 854 K-Marks per stack in the Prospect Station. Titan Ores are also a good source of Faction Points (FP), you can receive about 9 Faction Points (FP) from it. These points can be used to level up different factions in the game.

The Cycle: Frontier Titan Ore Locations

You can find Titan ores in both the maps i.e. Bright Sands and Crescent Falls. You can obtain Titan Ores in two different ways.

You can either find them inside Industrial Crates or you can mine Brittle Titan Ore Veins to obtain them. You can find them scattered across the whole of both maps.

It’s not always necessary that you’ll get Titan Ores from the Industrial Crates though, there’s only a chance, so you might want to grind a bit for them if you’re planning to loot them through the Industrial Crates.

You can also modify a Mineral Scanner to help find the Titan Ore Veins more easily.

The Brittle Titan Ore Veins have a relatively much higher chance of containing a Titan Ore than the Industrial Crates. There’s about a 16% chance/probability that you’ll get a Titan Ore through a Medium Brittle Titan Ore Vein.

The chances to find them in Industrial Crates, however, vary depending on their Tier Level. They are already initially very low, but they keep on decreasing with each increasing Tier Level. For example, a Tier 02 Industrial Crate has about a 1.46% to contain a Titan Ore, while a Tier 03 one has a 1.21% chance.

Bright Sands Titan Ore Locations

As mentioned above, Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases – and therefore Titan Ores – are spread across several areas on each map, but it is also important to mention that there are some key areas/locations on both the maps where you can find a lot of them in one place.

Titan Ore is mostly found in the top half of Bright Sands. You can begin your farm by looting the area around Base Camp in the middle. Then head east to East Collection Point and East Caverns. You will find a lot of Titan Ore here.

Next is the Dig Site in the north and the Abandoned Mine beyond. These two locations are another excellent source of picking up Titan Ores.

Crescent Falls Titan Ore Locations

You can also find a decent amount of Brittle Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases on the Crescent Falls map. Do keep in mind that this is the harder map of the two, so it’s better to come prepared and bring the proper loadout. The Veins and Cases are also scattered across the whole of the map.

There are about three key areas/locations on the Crescent Falls map that contain the most amount of Brittle Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases – and therefore Titan Ores – in one place.

The first three areas that contain the most amount of Veins and Cases on the Crescent Falls map are the Greens Prospect, Starport Admin and Lakeside Building respectively.

There’s also another unnamed area that contains a huge amount of Brittle Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases. This area is located to the south of the Nutrition Farms Processing area.

The Rest of the Brittle Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases are scattered throughout the map.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...