The Cycle: Frontier Print Resin Location Map

Just like guns need ammo and your character needs stamina, every printer in The Cycle: Frontier needs Print Resin. Print...

Just like guns need ammo and your character needs stamina, every printer in The Cycle: Frontier needs Print Resin. Print Resins are the raw materials, that can be loaded into any printer to print the base component of pretty much every item in The Cycle: Frontier.

In this guide, we will help you uncover all the locations where you can find abundant Print Resin in The Cycle Frontier.

The Cycle: Frontier Print Resin Location

Just like most other items, Print Resin can also be stored at 10 per stack and weigh 3 Kilos each.

The Print Resin can be found in the following lootable containers

  • Dumpster
  • Civilian Lockers
  • Industrial Crate

The likelihood of dropping Print Resin from each of the following lootable containers varies, for example, Dumpsters have the highest likelihood ranging from 5.42% to 4.93%, Civilian Lockers have chances of dropping ranging from 4.61% to 4.00%, Chances of Industrial Crates lie between 3.42% to 3.04%.

Print Resin can also be crafted using the following materials

  • 3x Pale Ivy Blossom
  • 1x Smart Mesh
  • 3,300 K-Marks

The Print Resin spawn locations for both Crescent Falls and Bright Sands are given below.

Crescent Falls Print Resin Locations

Although there are hundreds of dumpsters, civilian lockers, industrial crates, and hidden stash all over the map there is one specific spot that has the highest chance of dropping Print Resin.

On Crescent Falls, the dumpsters in the Oasis have the highest chances of dropping Print Resin. The tents in the area have got crates that can hold Print Resin.

Alternatively, area around Greens Prospect and Pinnacle Labs also have a high quantity of Print Resin sources.

Crescent Falls Print Resin Locations

Other marked locations have the above-mentioned containers, but the marked spot has the highest chance of dropping.

Bright Sands Print Resin locations

On the Bright Sands, there isn’t a lot of Print Resin but don’t worry we have got a spot for you where there are high chances of Print Resin being present. The spot is the Jungle Camp and the surrounding areas where you can find plenty of Print Resin.

Bright Sands Print Resin locations

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...