The Cycle: Frontier Aluminum Scrap Locations

Scrap Metal is one of the most used crafting resources in The Cycle: Frontier and comes in several varieties. Though...

Scrap Metal is one of the most used crafting resources in The Cycle: Frontier and comes in several varieties. Though it is abundantly available, you’ll still find yourself running out of different Scrap Metals quite often.

Aluminum Scrap Metal is a material mostly used in printing. If you’re running low on this resource and can’t seem to figure out where to find it, we’ve got you covered with this guide where we’ll be showing you the best locations to find Aluminum Scrap in The Cycle: Frontier.

The Cycle: Frontier Aluminum Scrap Locations

Since Aluminum Scrap is a common Scrap Metal, it is not a particularly rare item to find in The Cycle: Frontier.

Aluminum Scrap spawns in Dumpsters, Civilian Locker, and Industrial Crates. However, keep in mind that Aluminum Scrap is not a guaranteed drop. In fact, it has quite a small drop chance.

That said, if you loot enough of these lockers and crates, you’ll likely be able to collect a plentiful amount of the resource.

Below, we have listed the drop chances for Aluminum Scrap from the different tiers Dumpsters, Civilian Lockers and Industrial Crates.


  • Tier 03: 6.11% Drop Chance
  • Tier 04: 5.60% Drop Chance
  • Tier 05: 6.51% Drop Chance

Civilian Lockers

  • Tier 03: 4.93% Drop Chance
  • Tier 04: 4.83% Drop Chance
  • Tier 05: 5.97% Drop Chance

Industrial Crate

  • Tier 03: 0.86% Drop Chance
  • Tier 04: 3.56% Drop Chance
  • Tier 05: 4.27% Drop Chance

Another thing to note is that since Aluminum Scrap is a type of Scrap Metal, it is associated with the Korolev Faction. This means that the Korolev Buildings are the best places to loot when looking for Aluminum Scrap.

When you go out searching for Aluminum Scrap, loot all of the Korolev Buildings first, then move on to the other areas where the aforementioned crates are present in abundance.

To help you out with finding all of the Dumpsters, Civilian Lockers, Industrial Crates, and Hidden Stashes, we’ve attached map images of Bright Sands and Crescent Falls that show the location of all these crates, and we’ve also marked the locations with the highest density of crates.

Bright Sands Aluminum Scrap Locations

The locations you’ll want to loot first are the Power Plant, Dig Site, East Collector Point, and Water Facility. This is because these are all Korolev Buildings, so you’ll have a higher chance of finding Aluminum Scrap in these locations.

After looting them, you can proceed to the other locations marked in this map image.

Crescent Falls Aluminum Scrap Locations

As you can see, Crescent Falls has many more Dumpsters, Industrial Crates and Civilian Lockers than Bright Sands. So it’s a good idea to loot the Crescent Falls map first when you’re trying to collect Aluminum Scrap.