Monster Hunter Rise Sandy Plains Relic Records Locations Guide

In our Monster Hunter Rise Sandy Plains Relic Records Locations Guide, we will be going over the locations of all the Sandy Plains Relic Records in MHR.

In our Monster Hunter Rise Sandy Plains Relic Records Locations Guide, we will be going over the locations of all the Sandy Plains Relic Records up for grabs in MHR.

Monster Hunter Rise Sandy Plains Relic Records Locations

Relic Records or Old Messages are a type of collectible in MHR which you can collect and add to your notebook. Each of these old messages grants you hefty 1000 points.

Our guide below outlines the locations of all ten of the Sandy Plains Relic Records currently available in the game.

So, let’s begin!

Sandy Plains Relic Record #1

It is located at the south-western corner of the Sandy Plains, at the edge of the cliffs in Zone 2.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #2

It is located in a small cave towards the south of the Sandy Plains Zone 3, right below the number on the map.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #3

You can obtain this Sandy Plains message from one of the highest peaks at the south-eastern side of the Sandy Plains, between Zone 1 and Zone 6.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #4

You can find it in some bushes near the central part of the Sandy Plains in Zone 11.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #5

It is located in a cave in the northern part of the Sandy Plains, in the southern end of Zone 12.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #6

It is located inside the cave with a pillar at its entrance, at the eastern part of the Sandy Plains, above Zone 5.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #7

You can find this Sandy Plains Message at the middle section of one of the ruins towards the south-west of the Sandy Plains, western most area of Zone 2.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #8

It is located in a depression in the mountain right at the eastern corner of the Sandy Plains in Zone 4.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #9

It can be obtained from the cave at the north-eastern part of the Sandy Plains in Zone 12, right next to the zone number.

Sandy Plains Relic Record #10

You can find this relic record next to the huge brick wall towards the very north of the Sandy Plains in Zone 12.

Rewards for Obtaining All Plains Relic Records

Once you have successfully acquired all of the Relic Records present in the Sandy Plains, you will be rewarded with two wooden trinkets: an Izuchi Carving and an Almudron Carving. You can showcase them in your room as proof that all of the Sandy Plain Relic Records are now in your possession.