Best Modern Warfare 2 Marksman Rifles Ranked

Marksman Rifles are the lighter version of standard sniper rifles. If you are looking to get one-shot kills in a...

Marksman Rifles are the lighter version of standard sniper rifles. If you are looking to get one-shot kills in a battle without carrying the extra burden of heavy snipers, marksman rifles are for you. Read on to know the best marksman rifles in Modern Warfare 2.

Marksman rifles can easily take an enemy down with their headshots. They offer quite a good range as well which is sufficient for any map in CoD MW2.

However, you need to have good aim to use them at their full efficiency. By this, we mean, you need to connect only headshots to kill an enemy in one go, otherwise, you will need follow-up shots which can take some time.

Best marksman rifles in Modern Warfare 2

SP-R 208

This Marksman Rifle is considered the best due to its one-shot kill ability. It is also the go-to gun if you are looking to capitalize kills based on Range, being around (50-55 meters). Due to it being a bolt action rifle, it lacks speed but if it is utilized properly in terms of aggressive sniping its output is phenomenal.

The SP-R 208 makes use of high velocity for better-range sniping. Its use of Ads time is second best to the LA-B 330 rifle. Overall, in terms of Range, Velocity and Damage it is the top Marksmen Rifle in Modern Warfare 2.


SA-B comes close behind the SP-R in terms of range. In its case, its range is centered around (40-45 meters) due to which you have to two-shot your enemy. Although SA-B lacks in range, it makes up for RPM. This enables it to reload faster compared to the SP-R 208 giving you the opportunity to utilize two shots to take down your enemy and in producing more damage range.

In some cases, SA-B is more favored than the rest due to its compatibility with both range and damage criteria. Overall, it can be a lethal choice when it comes to the best Marksmen rifle in Modern Warfare 2.

LA-B 330

This Marksman rifle also has the ability to carry out one shot kill based on its range is similar to the SA-B. In terms of raw damage, it also comes on par with the sniper rifles but falls short when compared to the SP-R 208 in terms of range abilities.

The LA-B 330 makes the most of its AD’S time, being around (470 milli-second) making it incredibly fast and powerful compared to the rest of the Marksmen rifles in MW 2.


The firing range for the LM-S falls between (70-75 meters). Its main forte is that it is assessed as a semi-automatic Marksman rifle giving it an edge when it comes to firing speed when compared to the rest in MW 2.

You can deal damage effectively on long range and at the same time need to control its recoil for follow-up shots. So, to make it effective, it requires precision at your end.


Lockwood MK2 is among the Marksman Rifle category known for its high RPM. It may fall short on range and effectiveness when compared to the rest of the top Marksman rifles but when it comes to Fire Rate, it takes the lead from all of these.

That being said, its Fire rate is centered around (85-90 rpm) giving you more time to utilize your rounds per minute in dealing with the enemy. You will have to take your chances on getting those headshots so it is not a very considerable option when it comes to the best Marksman rifles in Cod: MW 2.

TAQ-M and EBR-14

In terms of the best Marksman Rifle ranking, both the TAQ-M and EBR-14 are not considerable. The reason is that TAQ-M is considered a B-tier weapon, and you have to be extra careful with your trigger finger for those follow-up shots. This makes it a lot harder to handle this weapon.

Similarly, the EBR-14 is more of a sniper-type rifle. It is not a bad option as you may get lucky once or twice in a mid-range fight, but in terms of ranking criteria, it falls short when compared to the rest in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

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