How To Level Up Weapons Fast In Modern Warfare 2

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, you will constantly need to level up your guns and weapons. There are...

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, you will constantly need to level up your guns and weapons. There are multiple reasons to level up the weapons. But the real question here is, how to level up faster.

Due to the way the progression system of CoD MWII is designed, players not only need to level up weapons to unlock attachments but also to unlock new guns and weapon tuning. Ranking up a weapon to a certain point in MW2 unlocks a new weapon receiver which allows players to progress a new gun.

If you are struggling to level up your weapons and see the competition moving way ahead of you, we have crafted some handy weapon XP farming tips to allow you to level up weapons quickly in CoD Modern Warfare 2.

To level up weapons, you need to fill their XP bar. Now there are multiple ways to fill a weapon’s XP bar. The one and quite obvious way to do that is to kill as much as possible with any particular gun you need to gain weapon XP for. With each kill, you get some amount of XP.

Select the best playlists for weapon XP farming

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 features a lot of game modes/playlists, each varying in terms of objectives and number of players. You might have played some of the more common, standard, objective-based game modes like “Search and Destroy” or “Domination”. These game modes are very slow-paced and don’t offer you the chance to earn a decent number of kills.

Other kill-based standard game modes like “Team Deathmatch” or ‘Kill confirmed” offer you a higher chance to score more kills and farm weapon XP. Perhaps the best playlist for weapon XP farming is the Invasion mode. The Ground War mode also gains you a lot of weapon XP, but arguably slightly lesser than the Invasion mode.


In this CoD MW2 mode, you will have AI bots playing with some real players. What you need to do is to spot the spawning location of these AI bots.

They are relatively easier to kill and could be killed from a longer distance with just three or four shots. So, you need to take as many of them down as possible.

AI enemies are much easier to kill than other players as there is no variation in skill. You can rest assured that you’ll be able to finish off a decent amount of AI enemies at once to gain a lot of weapon XP. The AI enemies that appear at the beginning of the match are especially easier to kill, so make sure to find a spot to farm them from the start.

Moreover, the Invasion mode also has a higher player count than the standard game modes, allowing you to score a lot more kills on average. You can play this mode with the double XP tokens enabled to gain an insane amount of weapon XP.

Ground War

In Ground War, you have real players playing instead of bots – so you probably won’t be getting as many kills as in the Invasion mode. But the trick here is just the same. Try to be in the center of the action and be vigilant all the time.

You have set points to capture in Ground War. The main thing about this game mode is that here you have the ability to set your own spawn point after you die. You can spawn close to friendlies or right into the action to stay guns blazing 24/7 and keep getting kills on end.

Another thing you can do here is to spawn near and use a tank. If you are using a tank and taking down enemies or having kills, ultimately, the primary weapon you have equipped will be ranked up and will be getting XP.

So, just get yourself a tank and keep moving around and kill as much as possible. Rack up those kills and you will easily earn a lot of weapon XP and levels through Ground War in MWII

Standard multiplayer modes

Now, this mode has more action compared to the ones discussed above. But the downside here is that XP gained by one kill in other modes is equal to XP gained by three kills in this mode.

So, you need to be more in action in this mode to equalize the XP gained.

Standard multiplayer modes offer objective-based modes like “Search and Destroy” or “Domination”, which, although mostly lead to high levels of overall military rank XP, don’t offer that much weapon XP.

Kills-based standard multiplayer modes like “Kill-confirmed”, “Team Deathmatch”, or “Free for All” modes allow you to gain a lot of kills in each match. This, compared to the aforementioned mode, allows you to gain more weapon XP

Use double weapon XP tokens

There is no science behind this but these weapon XP tokens in MW2 will help you level up your weapon in no time. There are double xp tokens for different times; 30 minutes long tokens, 1-hour long tokens etc.

So, you can consider them as a good way to boost XP because you have 51 weapons in the game. It’ll take a lot of time just sitting and killing to level up each weapon.

You can always go with some perks that make your cumbersome job easier. But make sure to use them when you are at the peak of action and taking more kills.

Just make sure that you are planning to play the full-time span of the tokens so you don’t waste any. Double Weapon XP tokens, aside from gaining them from the campaign, aren’t that easy to get.

Another tip that can help you here is to use the respective weapons wisely especially when you are playing with the Double Weapon XP tokens active. Make sure to use the Submachine guns and the shotguns in maps that force you into close-quarter combat like the Sariff Bay or Guijarro.

Similarly, it would also be best to use assault rifles, snipers, or marksman rifles in open maps like Taraq. This is because you will be able to earn the most kills by playing to the weapon’s strengths. An efficient way to do this would be to set your own best weapon loadouts and select the most effective one for the respective map before hopping into the match.

Party up with players on PlayStation

Now a lot of players will be oblivious to this method of gaining weapon XP. What you need to do is to party up with a friend who is playing Modern Warfare 2 on PlayStation. This will grant you an additional 25% of bonus XP on the weapon you are using.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...