Lost Ark Hidden Stories for Rethramis Adventure Tome

The following guide will help you find all of the hidden stories in Rethramis to complete your adventure tome in...

The following guide will help you find all of the hidden stories in Rethramis to complete your adventure tome in Lost Ark.

Lost Ark’s Hidden Stories for Rethramis Adventure Tome

Once you have unlocked Rethramis, you’ll come to know that the area has seven hidden stories to find.

The Hidden Past of Varut

On your mission with Armen to discover the first Ark, you visit Father Varut for the first time. The children playing about Prideholme Cathedral have found something fascinating about Varut’s past, according to the Adventurer’s Tome.

If you search behind the privacy screen at the very back of Prideholme Cathedral, behind where Father Varut stands, you will find a note that reads, “Today I’m going to confess my love for her. I shall become a priest if she rejects me. And I’ll never gaze upon her again.”

The Truth of a Drunk

The Truth of a Drunk is one of Rethramis’ simpler Hidden Stories. Visit the Ankumo Mountain Range. Proceed to the Old Cathedral Ruins after you’ve arrived. In the bushes behind one of the pillars, you’ll locate the location you’re seeking for.

Burnt With Love

This Hidden Story is very straightforward. The Rethramis Border, northwest of the Ankumo Mountain entrance, is where this hidden story may be found.

You can inspect the ruins of a burning building to find the source of the fire.

The Cursed Grave Keeper

Varut, the subject of this hidden story, is known to visit the Rethramis Border Graveyard, where an old friend of his is buried. The Graveyard may be found northwest of the Regria Monastery Triport.

Head right when you enter the Graveyard and approach the wall. You’ll come upon a group of seven graves guarded by Gravediggers. A message from Rudric threatening revenge on the priests may be found among the graves.

Korumba’s Cat

Korumba’s Cat is a simple hidden story. It may be found to the south of Prideholme. In the vicinity of a farmhouse, look for a tombstone.

This very touching Hidden Story will grant you a +1 to Kindness. Hidden Stories are necessary for increasing your Virtue stats (such as Kindness) and improving your Rapport with NPCs.

A Knight in Shining Armor

One of the more difficult Hidden Stories is A Knight in Shining Armor. To finish A Knight in Shining Armor, you must go to three different locations. The first is in Loghill, the second in the Ankumo Mountains, and the third in the Rethramis Borderlands. In the screenshots below, we’ve highlighted all three sites.

Sunflowers for my Love

There are three parts to this Hidden Story as well. To finish Sunflowers For My Love, go to the home highlighted in the screenshot in Proudholme.

Take a look at the entrance door. After that, go to Loghill to find the second location you need to check out. Finally, return to Proudholme’s house, but this time instead of clicking the door, explore the flowers in the garden.


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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...