Lost Ark Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed Locations Guide

This detailed guide will cover all Red Moonshade Mokoko Seeds Locations in Lost Ark so that you can collect them without any issues.

Lost ark is one of the latest action role-playing games in which you can have fun with your friends and do various quests or PvP activities depending on your playstyle. This guide will cover all Red Moonshade Mokoko Seeds Locations in Lost Ark.

Where to Find Mokoko Seeds on Red Moonshade in Lost Ark?

More than 1200 Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark can be exchanged for unique rewards. For this guide, we will be focusing on the seeds found in Red Moonshade Continent.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #1

The first Mokoko Seed can be found in Wounded Ground. To the opposite where the Armor Smith is standing, there will be an NPC named Dekira. She will be standing just outside her camp.

The Mokoko Seed will be inside her camp. To enter her camp, you will need to drink Bloody Fist.

It is a unique cooking item in this region, which helps you search in hidden places. When you get inside the camp, the Seed will be exactly in front of you.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #2

You will need to have Soulful Requim equipped to get to this Seed for the second Seed. The second Seed will be located between Wounded Ground and Part’s Hill region.

When you reach the location in the picture below, just use your Soulful Requim, and the red stone in front of you will lift up, revealing the second Seed.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #3

The third Seed will be located between the Forgotten Ruins and the Land of Despair. To uncover the Seed location, you will need to use Soulful Requim, the same as before.

After some time, the red stone will lift, uncovering the third Mokoko Seed.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #4

For the Fourth Seed, head towards the bottom right corner of the Hidden Delain Residence. There you will find the fourth Seed just sitting there. There are no tricks to it so just pick it up.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #5

The fifth Seed can be found on the top right side of the Land of Despair region. To obtain this Seed, you will again have to use the Soulful Requim to lift up the stone and uncover the Seed.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #6

For the sixth Seed, you will find it in the Land of Despair region. The Seed will be located exactly to the right side where the world boss is, and you pretty much cannot miss it.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #7

The seventh Seed will be underneath the world boss in the Land of Despair region. It will not be tricky to locate, so you just have to travel there and pick it up.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #8

This Eighth Seed can be found in a close alleyway of the Forgotten Ruins shown in the picture below.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #9

For the ninth Seed, head towards the topside of the Forgotten Ruins. There, you will find an NPC named Sarakko. To collect the Seed, you will need to have 300 courage.

Without it, you cannot enter the dungeon and neither collect the Seed. Make sure to build up your courage to enter the dungeon.

Red Moonshade Mokoko Seed #10

For the final Mokoko Seed, you will need to head towards the Hidden Delain Residence. There will be a pathway to the opposite side of the dungeon.

Once you get there, you will fall and fall next to many enemies. Battle your way through; take the first left, and you’ll see a small cubby where you will find your final Seed.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...