Lost Ark Primal Island Guide

This guide will help you understand the purpose of a few of the questlines on Lost Ark's Primal Island and its teased Battle Royale.

Primal Island is a new addition to the world of Lost Ark. This guide will help you understand the purpose of a few of the questlines on Lost Ark’s Primal Island.

Where to Find Primal Island in Lost Ark

Primal Island is a small island located to the east of Rohendel. As of now, the Primal Island has no Island Soul that you can get but can get some Silver and Wisdom here.

While Primal Island has nothing of much note besides a few quests, a potential Battle Royale mode for Last Ark has been teased here.

Along with other players, the island is said to have dinosaurs as environmental hazards and they will attack you, making the stakes higher for entering the island alone.

Primal Island Quests

Primal Island has a few short questlines as of now and none of these are particularly long or difficult to complete, so let’s take a look at them.

The first quest is from Resting Worker, who asks you to deliver supplies to another NPC a bit further in the Primal Island. All you have to do is pick up a crate and deliver it.

Another quest requires you to simply talk to the Foreman on the Island. Next, you talk to the island investor and another quest opens that requires you to place a few warning signs at different points on the island. Then, you talk to the Foreman again, and that’s it.

The basic idea of the quest is that the player notices that something is going on the island, and no one will tell you. If you explore the island, you will also find some dinosaurs in cages, and you cannot interact with them.

This shows that the NPCs are in the process of constructing Primal Island for the Grand Opening likely to be used in Lost Ark Battle Royale.

Abdullah Shabbir is a senior guides writer at SegmentNext.com. He is fan of God of War and Call of Duty franchises, spends most of the time praising or playing these games. He recently expanded his ...