Immortals Fenyx Rising Aphrodite’s Trial of Blessing Guide

This Immortals Fenyx Rising Aphrodite's Trial of Blessing guide walks you through the Trial and the Treasure Chest Location included...

This Immortals Fenyx Rising Aphrodite’s Trial of Blessing guide walks you through the Trial and the Treasure Chest Location included as a part of the “A New God” DLC.

Immortals Fenyx Rising Aphrodite’s Trial of Blessing

As you enter Aphrodite’s Trial of Blessing, you’ll find it being similar to Trial of Mystery as it also requires you to activate few pedestals, shoot massive balls destroy purple egg-shaped objects to reach the exit of the Trial. The only difference is now you can clone yourself.

You’ll come across your first pedestal at the start of the Trial; simply fly to ramp ahead with a marked spot.

Clone yourself and fly back to the pedestal to activate the massive ball at the ramp. Switch between characters and place the ball on the spot below the ramp.

Use your charged Hephaistos hammer to shoot the ball on the other platform ahead, where you must place your clone as well. Place the ball on the marked spot and keep doing this process till your reach a locked Lever.

You’ll notice those purple egg-shaped objects on the ramp ahead of the lever.

This is going to be your puzzle for this Trial. Shoot the balls onto the ramp, destroying the object and move to the next location till you find an exit.

Place your clone on the far end of the platform next to the object on the right.

Switch characters and pull the lever, which will activate the massive ball. The ball goes down the ramp, flies towards the object and destroys it to reveal a jump.

Use the jump to head over to the next platform, go right towards your next pedestal.

Place your clone to activate the ball on the ramp with crates on it. Fly towards the ramp at the end with crates on top, break them to reveal a portal.

Throw your clone into the portal and switch characters to throw the balls into the portal as well, reaching the other side. Use your clone on the other side of the portal to place the ball on the marked spot, right to the ramp.

Once the ball has been placed, at the back of the portal, you’ll find the gate has been unlocked, which leads you to the chest location. Open the chest to acquire Hera’s Peacock Feather.

Exit the portal, back to the other side, place your clone near the ramp of the portal, fly back to the pedestal to activate the ball, throw the ball onto the platform ahead of the pedestal and reach the golden platform ahead.

Use your clone to shoot the ball at you, place the ball on the golden color spot to unlock the next pedestal.

Activate the ball, shoot it on the spot ahead, shoot it to the marked spot near the lever on top, then shoot it to the marked spot ahead to unlock the lever.

Clone yourself to the lever, fly to the platform to the left near the purple object, switch characters, pull the lever, to move the ball down the ramp, flying ahead towards the object, and finally destroying it to reveal a jump.

Use the jump to reach the pedestal on the left, place your clone there to activate the ball, shoot the ball to the next platform to unlock another pedestal. Shoot the ball to the platform with a gate on the left.

Go to the other side of the gate, place the clone, shoot the ball so it drops down into the ramp ahead.

Pull the lever, release the ball so it can destroy the object to reveal a jump. Use the jump to reach the exit of the Trial.

Once you’ve exited Aphrodite’s Trial of Blessing in A New God DLC, you’ll get rewarded with Aphrodite’s Passion.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...