Can You Be Evil In Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy has several paths to choose from, one of which is the evil path where you can kill your professors and worse.

Hogwarts Legacy does not limit you to following a righteous path. You also have the option of following an evil path to cast unforgivable curses, work with suspicious characters, make friends with potential villains, and level up your Dark Arts build.

However, the Hogwarts Legacy evil path has some limits to it. This is because the game is designed to protect the legacy of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and its students, at least to a certain degree based on your choices.

Hogwarts Legacy Evil Path

The good news for players looking to embark on the evil route is that there is a no-morality system in Hogwarts Legacy. This means you won’t be held accountable for the evil choices you make. Unlike the lore, you cannot be sent to Azkaban for any and all wrongdoings.

However, something important to note here is that there are several restrictions on your Hogwarts Legacy evil paths. You cannot become the next Lord Voldemort and lay to ruin everything and everyone in the game.

At the core, Hogwarts was created to protect witches and wizards so the same ambition is at heart in this game. However, you can still cast the infamous Unforgivable Curses, help villains and progress through the Dark Arts to become evil.

Cast any Unforgivable Curse

In the world of Dark Magic, there are several curses and dark charms that you can use to cause suffering. Out of these numerous curses, three are the most deadly and are known as the Unforgivable Curses.

The first Avada Kedavra, also known as the killing curse, allows you to make an instant kill and puts your victim to death without any scar or injury. You can unlock this in the ‘In the Shadow of the Relic’ quest.

The second Unforgivable Curse is the Cruciatus Curse which lets you inflict unbearable torture on the victim until their brain gives up and they go insane. You can unlock this in the ‘In the Shadow of the Study’ quest.

The third Unforgivable Curse, Imperius Curse allows you to control your victim and is unlocked in the ‘In the Shadow of Time’ quest. It is just like hypnosis and grants you complete control over the victim.

These three curses are allowed in Hogwarts Legacy and you can cast them without the fear of being sent to Azkaban. The game does not have morality so there is no chance of going to the Azkaban prison while practicing these Unforgivable Curses.

However, you will not be able to cast the Avada Kedavra curse on another Hogwarts student because the school is designed to protect its students, and casting the curse will go against this.

Befriend evil friends or help villains

Another way to embark on the path towards evil is to help other evil people. In Hogwarts Legacy, you will meet Sebastian Sallow, a student from the house of Slytherin who is deeply interested in the Dark Arts.

His twin sister suffers from a mysterious illness and Sebastian has to look for a cure. You can help him to search for the cure in the dark, forbidden, and forgotten knowledge. This will also make you aware of the Dark Arts to great extent.

You can also become evil by helping the villains instead of stopping them.

Level up your Dark Arts

In Hogwarts Legacy, there is a Dark Arts talents tree that traces your progress in the Dark Arts. When you attend your classes, you learn some of the Dark Arts Spells and earn points for the Darks Arts talents tree.

The world of Dark Arts is quite vast consisting of jinxes, hexes, charms, potions, dark items, and even dark creatures. You can seek the knowledge of these Dark Arts and cast dark spells such as ‘Petrificus Totalus’ (immobilizing spell) and many more.

Thanks to the no-morality system in Hogwarts Legacy, you won’t have to be worried about punishment for being evil but you should keep in mind that any decision you make significantly affects the story. An evil playthrough will cause its effect on the ending but that’s exactly what brings joy to a dark soul!

Evil playthrough quests and ending changes

Thanks to the no-morality system in Hogwarts Legacy, you won’t have to be worried about punishment for being evil but you should keep in mind that any decision you make significantly affects the story. An evil playthrough will cause its effect on the ending but that’s exactly what brings joy to a dark soul!

The last string that can be pulled on the evil path is to get the Hogwarts Legacy evil ending. At the end of the game, Professor Fig will ask you about your intentions regarding the Final Repository of Ancient Magic.

You can choose to either keep it contained or unleash it into the world, with the former providing the ‘good ending’ and the latter resulting in the ‘evil ending’.

When you chose to open the Final Repository of Ancient Magic, it will result in a Ranrok Dragon crushing Professor Fig under a pile of debris that will end up killing him.

The Repository will open and the Ancient Magic will make its way into your character resulting in red eyes glowing with the power of the Ancient Magic.

For now, this is all the ‘evil ending’ brings to the game but there are speculations that it might have a potential effect on future Downloadable Content if there will be any.

Muaz is a veteran in Counter-Strike and a sucker for the Souls-Borne genre. He is a guides writer on SegmentNext and continues to write about his favorite video games.