Fortnite Season 4 Week 9 Challenges Guide

In this Fortnite Season 4 Week 9 Challenges guide, we’ll talk about all the new challenges of week 9 in Fortnite Season 4.

In this Fortnite Season 4 Week 9 Challenges guide, we’ll talk about all the new challenges of week 9 and how to complete them in Fortnite Season 4.

Fortnite Season 4 Week 9 Challenges

The 9th week of Fortnite Season 4 will be bringing 8 new challenges that will reward you with XP and exclusive limited-time cosmetics upon completion.

Most of the challenges will be solo challenges, and they’ll reward you with 25,000 XP each.

One of the challenges will be a team challenge, and it will reward you with 50,000 XP.

Add them all up, and you get a staggering amount of 225,000 XP from all the challenges.

Fortnite has taken a break from Marvel-themed weekly challenges, and the challenges for this week are pretty straightforward.

However, you still need to make sure that you’re in the right place at the right time.

Search Chests at Holly Hedge

If you look at the left side of the map, you’ll find Holly Hedge to the south of Sweaty Sands.

This is a solo challenge, and it’ll require you to open 7 chests at the given location.

The challenge can be completed in either solo or squads, depending on your preference.

Holly Hedge will be a busy place during the early days of the week, and there aren’t enough chests for everyone.

Therefore, it’ll require you more than one attempt to complete the challenge.

Eliminations at Slurpy Swamps

This is yet another solo challenge, requiring you to take out 3 enemies at Slurpy Swamp.

You’ll find this location at the bottom left of the map.

Try making a landing on top of a building and take advantage of your high ground to take out enemies that are still running for guns.

This challenge is highly dependent on where the circle closes in. Therefore, don’t put too much of your energy into this challenge.

You can complete it causally.

Collect A Floating Ring at Steamy Stacks

Steamy Stacks is located at the top right corner of the map, north of Dirty Docks.

This is a solo challenge, and you’ll have to collect one ring to complete it.

Chances are that you’ll find the ring in a stack on top of a building. There is a ring on top of a building on the west side of Steamy Stacks

Dance at the Highest Spot and the Lowest Spot on the Map

It would’ve been fun seeing the whole team hitting the dance floor, but so far, it’ll be you alone.

If you look to the south of Catty Corner, you’ll see a range of Snowy Mountains, and this is where you should be looking for the highest point.

Look out for a flag marking the highest point on the mountain. You can find the flag somewhere at the bottom of the G7.

The lowest point on the map is at Coral Castle, underneath the huge central structure.

If you’re playing Team Rumble, you can just suicide from the top of the mountain and then glide down to Coral Castle instead of walking all the way.

Land at Sharky Shell and Finish Top 25

Right above the Coral Castle is Sharky Shell. This is a solo challenge that requires you to land at Sharky Shell.

Once you’ve landed, play defensive and try not to indulge yourself in any battle unless you really have to.

All the other players will take care of each other, helping you finish in the top 25.

You can complete the challenge in any BR match. However, it’s better to complete in a squad.

Heal Teammates with a Bandage Bazooka

Bandage Bazooka can be picked up from crates, supply drops, and chests from the first challenge.

Once you have one of those bandages in your inventory, all you need is an injured teammate.

This challenge can be fairly easy to complete in a Team Rumble Match.

Also, this is a team challenge and cannot be completed solo.

Knockback opponents with Shockwave Grenades

This solo mission is better completed in Team Rumble. Look for Shockwave Grenades in chests, crates, and supply drops.

Deal 500 damage to opponents at Sweaty Sands

Land at the given location, and go all in with your ammo, taking out anyone and everyone in your line of sight.

They have to be on the opposing team, obviously!

It’s better to complete this challenge in Team Rumble.

Landing at a high point, such as a building, can help you take out maximum opponents in minimum time.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...