Fortnite Weekly Challenges Leaked For Week 7, 8, 9

The Fortnite weekly challenges for weeks 7, 8, and 9 have been leaked online, so you'll know in advance what you have to do to complete them all.

A new leak about the Fortnite weekly challenges has given players advance warning on what to expect during Week 7, Week 8, and Week 9 for this season. Some of these challenges may seem familiar to people who have played Fortnite since its original release and are familiar with its own weekly challenges.

Week 7 has the following challenges in it:

* Get two eliminations while at 50 health or less
* Consume 3 foraged supplies at the Orchard
* Get 3 eliminations in the Weeping Woods or at a Landmark
* Do a dance at the Pipeman, Hayman, and the Timber Tent
* Get health with a Small Fry, a Flopper, and a Slurp Fish
* Get 3 eliminations with Pistols
* Visit 3 named locations in a single match
* Do 500 Damage with shotguns
* Save yourself from falling damage by landing in a Hideout
* Heal yourself within ten seconds after taking damage from an opponent
* Search the hidden T in the Trick Shot Loading screen.

Week 8 has the following challenges:

* Deal 200 Damage to descending supply drops
* Get 3 eliminations at Hydro 16 or Holly Hedges
* Search 3 supply drops within 10 seconds of it landing
* Complete the Swimming Time Trials at Lazy Lake and East of Hydro 16
* Get 3 eliminations without aiming down the sights
* Pull an item and an opponent, and catch a fish with the Harpoon gun
* Deal damage to opponents within 30 seconds of using a glider
* Search 2 chests within 30 seconds of each other
* Harvest 300 wood within 60 seconds of landing from the Battle Bus in a single match
* Deal damage with 2 different weapons within 30 seconds
* Search the hidden E found in the Dive! loading screen

Week 9 has these Fortnite weekly challenges:

* Search 7 ammo boxes at Steamy Stacks or Holly Hedges
* Skydive through rings in Steamy Stacks
* Complete a motorboat time trial
* Deal 250 damage to opponents from below
* Dance at the Green Steel Bridge, the Yellow Steel Bridge, and the Red Steel Bridge.
* Get 3 eliminations with shotguns
* Use a zipline in 2 different matches
* Get 3 eliminations from within 5 meters
* Search 5 chests in a single match
* Deal 500 damage to opponents while in water
* Search the XP drop hidden in the Chaos Rising loading screen.

Hopefully knowing all of these Fortnite weekly challenges ahead of time will give you time to prepare and practice, since Week 7 is starting tomorrow.

Hunter is senior news writer at He is a long time fan of strategy, RPG, and tabletop games. When he is not playing games, he likes to write about them.