Dead Space 3 Peng Location – There’s Always Peng!

Dead Space 3 Peng Location to unlock 'There's Always Peng' achievement or trophy.

To unlock the ‘There’s Always Peng’ achievement or trophy in Dead Space 3, you will have to find Peng. It’s very hard to find a statue in the game but with the help of our directions, you can easily locate it if you are an achievement hunter.

You can get it in Chapter 14 by going to the Reaper barracks which is an optional quest in the chapter. The mission will take you to the pump room where you must use stasis on the pump to cross over to the other side.

It is behind the pump. When you use stasis to cross over, wait for the pump to extend, use stasis again to buy some time, and look in the back of the chamber, you should be able to spot the Dead Space 3 Peng statue. Use kinesis to take it out.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...