Code Vein Key Items Guide – Item Uses, Locations

We have compiled a guide that lists all the key items in Code Vein that you will need to use to progress through certain sections of the game

Code Vein key items are the essentials for players to progress through certain quests. These items are to access doors, to sell to merchants or to advance the questlines. You can find these key items through completing Quests, or NPC’s can give it to you, or you will get them by defeating bosses and when you’re exploring certain locations.

Code Vein Key Items

Here is the full list of all the Key Items and their uses:


Item Name Description
Town of Sacrifice Key 1 It will open a door in Town of sacrifice
Town of Sacrifice Key 2 It will open a door in Town of sacrifice
Town of Sacrifice Key 3 It will open a door in Town of Sacrifice
Blood Beads You will find these fruit like beads on the white plants out in the world. They contain blood and will act as a substitute for human blood.
Rusted Sluiced key It will be a key that is turned dull orange due to rusting
Den of darkness Key 1 It will open a door in Den of Darkness
Den of darkness Key 2 It will open a door in Den of Darkness
Mark of Honor This will be given to those who have achieved some great feats along with revenants
Moss Covered key It is a key that is covered with green moss
Berserker Vestige Core It is a crystalline core that is housing Oliver’s will. Berserker’s Blood codes are also etched on it.
Eagle Key It is a key marked with eagle head.
Map: Town of Sacrifice It is a detailed map of town of sacrifice
Barracks Key It is a key to Barracks
Flood of Impurity Key to be updated
Report to be updated
Storage Key to be updated
Old Shutter Key to be updated

This guide will be updated as we discover more Key Items and their usage.