Fortnite Season 4 Week 7 XP Coin Locations Guide

In this Fortnite Season 4 Week 7 XP Coin Locations guide, we will give you all the locations you need to visit to get the XP coins.

This is a comprehensive Fortnite Season 4 Week 7 XP Coin Locations guide. In this guide, we will be telling you about all the locations you need to visit to get the XP coins in Fortnite Season 4.

Fortnite Season 4 Week 7 XP Coin Locations

In the action-packed Season 4 of Fortnite Chapter 2 continues as it heads into Week 7 with a set of all-new challenges to complete and XP Coins to collect.

With amazing skins and other cosmetic items up for grabs, completing all the challenges is a must for any fan of this much loved Battle Royale

You can complete a lot of the Week 7 challenges as you collect the XP coins.

XP Coins

Week 7 has a Golden XP coin, 2 Purple XP coins, and a bunch of blue and green XP Coins.

The Golden XP Coin is located in the Basement of Doctor Doom’s Mansion.

You can also complete the weekly challenge ‘Enter the Vault in Doom’s Domain’ while you collect the Golden XP coin.

And like always, you have to break an object at each of the Blue XP coin locations to reveal them. This week you have to break the following objects:

  • At Sweaty Sands: Break Gnome.
  • At Hollow Hedges: Break Hamper.
  • The one near Stark Industries: Break Cooler.

Here is an image that pinpoints all the XP Coin Locations for Week 7.

Once you collect all the XP coins, you can then start working on any Weekly challenges that are left out.

So, thank the Bus Driver and drop to get on with the grind!

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...