Control Developers Praise Playstation 5 For Its Performance

Control developers talked about Playstation 5 in Playstation Magazine UK and point out the significance of its new hardware to game development studios.

2019 has been a strange year for console gaming. Especially with Playstation 5 and Xbox Scarlett being a year ago from release. We’ve seen amazing games like Death Stranding, Days Gone and Devil May Cry 5 release with huge expectations. Although we’ve seen a great performance, we can’t help but wonder what would all these games look on next-gen consoles. To prove that the leap from one generation to another is huge, Controler developers talk about Playstation 5 and explain why studios will be able to do more with it.

In the Christmas issue of Playstation Magazine UK, Control Developers talked about Playstation 5 and how it could benefit players’ experience.

During this year, big game studios found it relatively hard to future proof games while making their performance on current consoles optimal. Lead programmer Sean Donelly at Remedy says that Playstation 5 will be able to support bigger and better projects, mostly due to the installment of an SSD disk. He claims:

“When it comes to the PS5, faster hardware is always appreciated and will make life easier in the short term. But it’s the new SSD that really stands out; essentially streaming will become something that we don’t really have to worry so much about and it will free up some extra CPU bandwidth in the process.”

Contrary to popular belief, making a better game isn’t always about the upgrade of its graphics. Right now, big studios have reached a threshold where consoles can’t stand up to the amount of information their games have to offer. That’s where PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scarlett come in. Control, on that end, would benefit from Playstation 5 and Xbox Scarlett. Adding some extra “fuel” to a console can make games either better in performance or bigger in content. That’s what Mike Vehkala, technical director at Remedy suggests:

“You could do things faster or you could add more content and run things the same 30fps as before; often times it is the latter.”

Closing up, director Thomas Puha praises Playstation 5 for its fast loading and hardware. According to him, Sony’s next console will prove essential to the developers’ vision. As a result, we as gamers will be able to experience better and bigger games:

“We tend to forget that it’s not just about getting better graphics in games with a new console, but it’s that the overall experience of using and playing on the console will get significantly better. Playstation 5 is about making a really smooth, quick-to-load experience, and a hardware base that’s easy to use for us developers, which is great, because it allows us to harness the hardware power quicker.”

This pretty much confirms that Remedy has some expertise in Playstation 5’s hardware. We still don’t know if they are working on bringing Control to Playstation 5 or create an entirely new IP for next-gen consoles. However, we can get a good picture of how developers need that performance leap in order to create better experiences. We’ll know when Sony’s console launches late next year.

Always looking for a deep story, empathetic characters, and a great soundtrack in video games. Hardcore game hoarder and a strong believer that one day Xbox will win the console war.