Xbox Boss Has Played The First Project Scarlett Games

Phil Spencer, head of the Xbox brand, has already gone through the first batch of games in development for Project Scarlett.

Phil Spencer, head of the Xbox brand, has already gone through the first batch of games in development for Project Scarlett. He said so during a livestream event last night with Pete Parsons, head of Bungie, where they both played Destiny 2 together for a chance to snag some bounty emblems.

Spencer also added that he was playing games on Project Scarlett this very week, signifying just how good the next Xbox successor is shaping up behind closed doors. Unfortunately, he didn’t share anything else about the upcoming console except that it’s an amazing piece of technology. Those watching the livestream did post several requests but Spencer just kept his focus on playing Destiny 2, not adding anything more to his aforementioned reveal.

If one was to make a guess, Spencer was probably talking about Halo Infinite. The next installment in the Microsoft franchise is one of the launch titles for Project Scarlett. It’s likely that 343 Industries would be gunning to finish development as soon as possible in order to have ample time for polishing the game down. It’s a launch title after all and thus, needs to be without any issues, technical or otherwise.

Project Scarlett will arrive with an aim to take on native 4K resolution and pump 60 frames per second, or at least that’s what Microsoft has been fueling. Recently, the company confirmed that the next-generation console will also be betting on ray tracing through dedicated cores to enhance graphics and provide an experience of the highest quality.

There’s still much that remains to be known about Project Scarlett. The announcement at E3 2019 mostly revolved around how Microsoft sees Project Scarlett as not only the future of the Xbox brand, but also the future of gaming. It’s said to be four times more powerful than the current Xbox One X with four times better performance in terms of loading times.

Project Scarlett is pegged for launch during the holiday season of 2020. This should be around the same time when Sony brings out its PlayStation 5. It’s going to be one fine Christmas celebration for either fan-base.

Saqib is a managing editor at who has halted regime changes, curbed demonic invasions, and averted at least one cosmic omnicide from the confines of his gaming chair. When not whipping his writers into ...