League of Legends: All FTP Will Take 1,004,481 IP, 12,048 Games to Unlock

If you wish to acquire all the free to play content in League of Legends it will take you 1,004,481 IP, 12,048 games and 250 days.

There is tons of content in League of Legends that can be unlocked by continuing to play; however, have you ever wondered how much IP (Influence Points) and how much time will it take if you were to get your hands on all the Free to Play content in the game?

Before we dig into this, in the extreme layman’s language, it will take about 250 days of playing the game straight!

Here’s a breakdown for how much IP does it take to unlock everything


  • Tier 3: 389,916 IP
  • Tier 1 and 2: 8,115 IP
  • Pages (18): 113,400 IP
  • All Runes/Pages: 511,431 IP


  • 5,400: Champs @450
  • 29,700: Champs @1350
  • 75,600: Champs @3150
  • 182,400: Champs @4800
  • 195,300: Champs @6300
  • 7,800: Champs @7800 (Illaoi)
  • 496,200 IP: All Champs

You add the 13,900 IP for Summoner Name Change and it gives you 1,007,631 IP. Accommodate free champions and skins and the remainder is 1,004,481 IP for the entire free to play content of League of Legends.

Moving on to the time required now. Assuming that it will be a 30 minute game, 100 IP for a win, 60 IP for a loss and a 50:50 win/loss ratio, you will be getting 80 IP on average for each game. Which means reaching 1,004,481 IP will take about 12,556 games.

Accommodate the First Win of the Day Bonuses in this and you will still need an estimated 12,048 games of 30 minutes which would take about 6000 hours to complete. In other words, you need about 250 days (eight months and a few more days) to even get all the free to play content that is currently being offered by League of Legends.

Sarmad is our Senior Editor, and is also one of the more refined and cultured among us. He's 25, a finance major, and having the time of his life writing about videogames.