Flash Gordon 2 Confirmed by Sam J. Jones

According to Sam J. Jones, Flash Gordon 2 is going to happen. He wants to perform in it.

Flash Gordon 2 is finally happening and it is absolutely, one hundred percent suitable for today’s audience.
It’s a sequel to the original movie directed by Mike Hodges in 1980.

Flash Gordon has appeared on screen multiple times in the past. In 1936, he first appeared in a 13-episode science fiction show. Then in the 80’s he was featured in a show as well as in the movie and again in 2007. Now that it is 2015 and the sequel is confirmed, he is sure to return.

Flash Gordon from the 80’s featured Sam J. Jones and in an interview with Den of Geek, he revealed tidbits about the movie that was not announced officially.

Michael Hodges will direct Flash Gordon 2. John Davis along with his crew will write the script and Matthew Reilly will be the production head for this project.

“Matthew Reilly, VP of production at Fox Studios, acquired the screenplay rights to Flash Gordon last year, and he hired (Predator/ Chronicle/ Man From U.N.C.L.E producer) John Davis and his staff to write the script. They are looking to bring out a sequel actually. I met with Matt; we are in talks about that. I’m very excited.”

Jones seems excited about the upcoming project and is willing to alter his character as demanded by the script.

Although he slightly adds that he is as capable as a young boy is and it won’t be difficult for him beat anyone.

“Whatever a younger, leading man can do, I cannot only match him, I can do more! If he does 20 pull-ups, I can do 30 pull-ups. If he can do 100 push-ups, I can do 150 push-ups. Just keep that in mind!”

Jones will also appear in TED 2, which premieres June 26. Other details about Flash Gordon 2 script, cast and release date are not confirmed yet.

Nageen's closest encounter to gaming has been through games like Need for Speed, GTA series and Mafia. She is doing her major in Journalism, and thanks to her love for her acting she's highly involved ...